Beware of Best Social Media Services

Beware of Best Social Media Services Provider Imposters

Beware of Best Social Media Services Imposters | Identify the Novice From the Expert

Everyone seems to be calling themselves a Best Social Media Service Expert today. They see it as a way to make quick money by selling social media training to small business owners, Beware of Best Social Media Services. But, how do you really know who is a novice and who is the true social media expert?

Social networking is a great way to Promote your Local Business for free. However, social networking changes rapidly. You can buy a book to learn how to use social networking but it will be outdated before it goes to print and hits the bookstore shelves. Below are my three tips to help you evaluate whether the so called guru or expert is truly a social media expert or a novice who will milk you out of your hard earned money.

Three tips to evaluate the level of expertise of the so called guru or expert 

1. How long has the person had Best Online Presence Analysis? Has the person been on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook for several years or just a few months? Do they have a presence on some of the older now less popular social media outlets? Are they using the latest and greatest outlets to promote their business? Are they only using one Best Social Media Platform? Can they provide testimonials and examples of the success they have had by using Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, or YouTube for their small business.

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2. How many people follow this person? Now, you know that quality followers are preferred over a large quantity of followers. So do not focus strictly on the number of followers. However, if the person has only a few hundred followers on Twitter that may be a flag that the person is a novice and is new to Twitter or other social media platforms. If the person has a large number of followers it could be a flag that the person is spamming or not paying attention to quality followers.

3. Do they invest in training and attend national conferences hosted by the industry guru’s? When you read the posts from this so called expert is he or she following the big name guru’s or leaders in social media? Is he or she investing in online and live conferences and events to stay abreast of the latest and greatest in the social media arena? Remember, when someone is only learning by attending free training sessions he or she is not learning the insider secrets. The experts and guru’s use free teleclasses to teach the why you should do something but they rarely teach you the how to do something.

You would not go to a doctor who did not stay current on his continuing education so why would you trust your small business with someone who does not invest in his or her education. You would not take your car to a mechanic that is not ASE certified. You would not take your child to a dentist that is not licensed. Do not turn your Affordable Social Media Management or invest in learning social media by someone who cannot deliver the level of expertise you are looking to attain to grow your small business.

When you invest in learning from a novice you must be prepared to continually invest in more additional training as the novice learns new social media tips and tricks to pass on to you. When you learn from an expert you will be guaranteed a higher return on your investment. Be aware of imposters and spend your small business training dollars wisely.

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