Without Bristol Best And Affordable SEO Services Agency

Without Bristol Best And Affordable SEO Services Agency

Without Bristol Best And Affordable SEO Services Agency

It is more than a year now since I concluded that Miami SEO Services Company (Bristol SEO) was, or was soon going to become, a waste of time. Affordable SEO Services Agency, I had already, 6 months before then, said farewell to spending an hour a day working on getting reciprocal links.

What led, at the time, to what many would have said were very rash moves? After all, reciprocal linking was still being expounded, by all and sundry, as an essential way to get a good ranking, and the software tools were being actively marketed still. Search engine positioning software was still being heavily marketed and is still today; keyword density was a buzz term being branded around as if it were an essential science to be practiced by all good Bristol SEO conscious webmasters.

What I did was to go back to marketing basics. I had received my marketing training back in the 1980’s and had practical marketing experience with my own business from the mid-1990’s. I was not born into local Internet Marketing Consultants alone, so could still see the blinkers and the hype.

A very basic but important aspect of marketing is to know your market place. When it comes to search engine rankings, then clearly a major part of that market was the major search engines, Google, Yahoo, and MSN, with Google being the clear leader then, and a year later today.

I started to think 18 months ago that as far as reciprocal linking went, it was becoming a spammers’ zone. Surely, I argued with myself, Google did not really want to rank a web site highly just because the webmaster had the tools and the time to chase around getting reciprocal links? It just did not make sense. And the same was true of buying links. Why should a website rank highly because they have splashed out on buying links?

What Google, SEO Services Company USA and the others, really wanted was to rank the best websites for a particular search term, and it seemed only a matter of time before they sniffed out and extinguished the abuses such as blatantly artificial link building, Blog spam, scraping and extreme Bristol SEO’ing.

A year ago, I started two new web sites without any real thought of Bristol SEO. As a writer, I was happy to try to provide what search engines wanted: original content on what people were searching for. While I did provide title and description tags, everything else was just written on a go with the flow basis. The keyword phrase for any page would come out in the natural flow. I could just write to my heart’s content without using any tools checking keyword density.

The first of those new websites 13 months ago was in the self-improvement niche, which is highly competitive. I was expecting to be Sandboxed by Google because of that, and so it proved. But I just kept plugging away, sticking to my no-Bristol Top SEO Agencies Miami USA principle. Of course, none of us outside Google knows for sure if there is such a thing as a sandbox, but there is undoubtedly a waiting time before a new site is thrown fully into the ranking melting pot.

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In the self-improvement case, the last Google update saw my site emerge from the sandbox after about 12 months. So, at last, I was able to see whether my no Bristol SEO approach was to yield any positive results. Affordable SEO Services Agency, Thankfully, a few high rankings were immediately apparent, including a few #1 positions. On one of those terms, Yahoo followed a few weeks later to the position, while the site was at MSN.

Now, this is early days for that particular site, and there is much to do to get more high rankings. However, I am confident that Bristol SEO is infinitely more simple than some experts, especially those selling ranking tools, tend to have you believe.

Since I started that particular site, I have only made one major change, and that is convert all my web sites to CSS. Providing a content rich site that is easy to crawl for search engine robots is the most important aspect of the new, simplified Bristol Miami SEO Service Packages. In fact, following Google’s advice to webmasters is about all you need to do, and that is free Affordable SEO Services Agency.

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