Advent of Search Engine Optimization

Back in Time to the Advent of Search Engine Optimization

Back in Time to the Advent of Search Engine Optimization

As long as the Internet has been around, it has remained a mystery to the mainstream public how Web sites are listed at the top of Advent of Search Engine Optimization results. There are many theories of how search engines and New York SEO Service Packages initially began.

Yahoo! was among the first to implement Bristol SEO techniques, even though at the time they were unaware of the potential growth the industry would soon have at the turn of the century. Yahoo! Founders David Filo and Jerry Yang were trying to get their site seen by others on the Internet by giving it more exposure. Some excellent structure and tricky hand-coding, their site became more available for new visitors. They were not questioned about ethical business practices because nobody was sure what was considered ethical or unethical there were simply no standards in place yet.

As the initial search engines were cataloging the early Internet, many business owners soon learned to appreciate the value of their Web site being listed in the search engines, as they first saw increases in visitors to their Web sites. They began submitting their URLs on a continuous basis and changed their sites to support the needs of search engine robots. Bristol Dedicated Search Engine Optimization Expert started showing up, when they began experimenting with the concept of search engine optimization, with the emphasis initially on the submission process alone. Soon afterward, the first automatic submission software was released, and it was then the notion of Spam came into existence.

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Bristol SEO professionals have been seen in a negative light over the last five years, due in part because in early 2001, enthusiastic webmasters quickly realized they could overwhelm search engine result pages by over submitting Web sites. Unfortunately, as the Internet industry developed, search engines quickly became cautious of new Bristol Top SEO Agencies New York USA attempting to generate visitors for their clients at any cost, however unfair or unethical. Tactics such as keyword spamming, doorway pages, cloaking, and hidden white text placed on white backgrounds proved too much for the search engines to tolerate. As a result, the search engines replied with numerous countermeasures, created to filter out any techniques considered spam. That is good news, although it forced ethical Bristol SEO companies to start using more subtle techniques to assist their client’s Web sites with obtaining rankings in the Advent of Search Engine Optimization.

The big 3 search engines, Google, MSN, and Yahoo!, have recently come to the realization that SEO Services in New York as an industry is here to stay, and to maintain effective results, they needed to accept the industry, even embrace it, and engines eventually partnered with successful, ethical Bristol SEO companies to establish typical standards for fair and ethical Advent of Search Engine Optimization. This is important to help keep information relevant and beneficial to visitors while still being unbiased to people who create the content on their Web sites.

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