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Clients of Capital Legal Advisors Updates

User Calender 26 Sep 2016
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Clients of Capital Legal Advisors Updates | Top Capital Legal Advisors Tips

Clients of Capital Legal Advisors Updates :- Clients of Capital Legal Advisors acknowledge that THE FIRM will only assist in matters that are lawful in Panama, and all other jurisdictions concerned. Capital Legal Advisors provides clients worldwide with asset protection strategies,real estate holdings, banking, and immigration procedures, as well as all other aspects of Panamanian law. 
The  interpretation of anything in this website as a tool for conducting fraudulent activities, contraband, or any unlawful activities,is erroneous. This applies to Panama and any country where the person is living in, has residence in, is a citizen of or conducts business of any sort in.
The client avows that he or she does not partake in any illicit activities.Capital Legal Advisors has an array of clients from numerous parts of the  world.  Our expertise is in  Panamanian law. We do not claim to know the specific laws of other     countries. It is the  responsibility of the Client to confirm with a lawyer or accountant in their jurisdiction  if there is any doubt as to the legality of applying any of our services in it.  

Top Capital Legal Advisors is a Panamanian law firm. It does not provide legal advice for any other jurisdictions. It does not offer accounting advice for any jurisdiction. Capital Legal Advisors has not, and will not, engage in Tax Planning or Reduction. The firm provides representation only in Panama. 

Attorney client privilege communication laws will apply to any business dealings or any other Capital Legal Advisors will not reveal any such information without its clients expressed permission.
Capital Legal Advisors, its owners, attorneys, consultants, or employees shall have no liability for any damage due to a clients failure to comply with laws relevant to those jurisdictions they reside in, have citizenship in,or conduct business in. This includes errors or omissions related directly or indirectly to any products or services obtained from Capital Legal       Advisors or arising from or associated with any dealings with Capital Legal Advisors.

Capital Legal Advisors takes no responsibility over any actions taken by any individual that uses this website as a substitute for legal advice. The sydney lawyers  sites purpose is for general informational purposes only. The use of personal legal advice in dealing with each individual’s unique situation is imperative.
Capital Legal Advisors presents clients to banks and stockbrokers. Top Capital Legal Advisors Tips, its owners, attorneys, consultants, or employees shall have no liability for any losses or damages, present or future, related to the introduction of those fore mentioned. Capital Legal Advisors is not a       brokerage firm, investment counselor, or provide any financial advice. The       firm takes no responsibility over any bank or brokerage actions. 

Modifications to this agreement will only be valid through written consent that has been signed on both parties’ behalves.If any part or portion of this agreement is considered to be unenforceable,in its entirety or in part, by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms of this agreement will remain valid and enforceable. 
Upon clicking on Agree to terms below the client is certifying that:
- They are acting on their own behalf and using their legal name.
- The purposes for which they intend to use the services provided by Capital Legal Advisors best ideas have not been misrepresented. 
- They are not operating as any sort of investigative reporter or writer, nor are they conducting research for any sort of story or report. It is clearly understood that  Capital Legal Advisors will only conduct business and consider the above mentioned as a  client under these terms.The proper venue for this Agreement is the Republic of Panama.

User Calender 26 Sep 2016
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