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Banking Secrecy Capital Legal Law Advisor

User Calender 26 Sep 2016
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The Panama banking center and the banking secrecy CAPITAL Legal Advisors assist its clients in opening a Bank Account with the most stable and reknown Banks in Panama.

Banking Secrecy Capital Legal Law Advisor | Banking, Finance & Insurance Law

Banking Secrecy Capital Legal Law Advisor :- The Panamanian jurisdiction is famous and respected around the World because of the strict Bank Secrecy Laws applied in Panama. The information handled by the Bank is protected under strong secrecy and can only be revealed by a court order issued by a Panamanian Judge. There are criminal sanctions for bank employees that reveal any information against these laws.
The Panamanian Banking Center is one of the most solid in the World, and the Amercian Dollar is used as local currency, added to the juridical stability provided by a democratic government.
The tax laws in Panama are based in territoriality. Only income generated within Panamanian borders is taxed in Panama. The Panamanian jurisdiction does not tax the interests generated by a Panama Bank Account. Panamanian Banks must follow a strict "Know Your Customer" policy. However, this information will also be fully protected by the Bank Secrecy Laws.Bank accounts
Throughout several years of offering asset protection services to our clients, we have strengthened our relationship with the best Banks in Panama.  We can work with Banks that do not require customers to travel to Panama, although it is up to our customers to have a personal interview with the Bank to meet the Bank staff.
The complete process of opening a Bank Account varies depending on the bank that the customer comes, but it is usually between 5 to 10 days
alter receipt of the full bank application. If the customer travels to Panama, Bank accounts can be opened as fast as in 3 days.
                                      The initial deposit for the Bank Account is approximately USD$1000.00. It is possible to obtain other Euro bank accounts multi-currency bank accounts, resides other services like checking accounts and Fixed Time Deposits.Bank Accounts in Panama can be opened under the client's name or a Corporation or Foundation.
                                      The beneficiary of the Corporation or Foundation will be the signatory on the Bank Account or whomever he designates. For the Bank, this person is the sole owner of the Bank Account and the only person to give instructions to the Bank. This information is protected under strict Bank Secrecy according to the Banking Laws in Panama and can not be revealed unless there is a court order issued by a Panamanian judge. 
If you decide to travel to Panama to meet the Bank you can sign all the documentation in an interview with the Bank Officer, and it is only necessary for you to bring a Bank Reference Letter. If you do not travel to Panama we will send you all the documentation by courier, which must be returned to the Law Firm dully sign (as in your passport) along with the following documents:
- Notarized or Apostilled Copy of Passport and 2nd ID. For all signatories on the Bank Account.- Bank Reference Letter:
   Issued by a Bank where you have a current bank account, in the letterhead of the Bank, signed by a Bank officer           and dated no more than 90 days old. View an example.- Commercial Reference Letter:Issued by a company or person whi whom you have a commercial relationship(lawyer, accountant, etc.) With the proper contact information. View An example.- Business Profile Letter: Signed by the client, with complete contact information, must explain in detail the commercial activity to be performed by the Corporation or purpose for creating it with a brief description of expected banking movements. This will help our legal team to better understand your needs and create the best offshore strategy for you. All of this information is private and confidential and is strongly protected by Attorney - Client Privilege.

 Depending on the Bank chosen, you may be asked to submit a Utility Bill or any other documentation the bank may deem necessary.
Bank accounts in other jurisdictionsMauris fermented dictum manga. Sed Laurent aliquot LEO dolor, databus get, element-->CAPITAL Legal Advisors also offers Bank Account Introduction Services in other jurisdictions to create the most suitable and strongest asset protection strategy for our clients.
Financial servicesBrokerage accounts: Top CAPITAL Legal Advisors Tips maintains a close relationship with several Brokerage Firms, fully Licensed by the Panama Securities Commission, to assists its customers to obtain a Brokerage Account for their Corporation or Foundation.                            

counts in other jurisdictionsMauris fermented dictum manga. Sed Laurent aliquot LEO dolor, databus get, element--CAPITAL Legal Advisors also offers Bank Account Introduction Services in other jurisdictions to create the most suitable and strongest asset protection strategy for our clients.
Financial servicesBrokerage accounts: best CAPITAL Legal Advisors idea maintains a close relationship with several Brokerage Firms, dully Licensed by the Panama Securities Commission, to assists its customers to obtain a Brokerage Account for their Corporation or Foundation.

User Calender 26 Sep 2016
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