Cheap And Affordable Online Reputation Management Service CompetitorsCheap And Affordable Online Reputation Management Service Competitor

Cheap And Affordable Online Reputation Management Service Competitor

Affordable Online Reputation Management Service Competitor | Single Online Reputation Management

Ordinarily, we don’t spend much time commenting on other companies in our industry, nor their methods. But once in a while, a blatant issue will arise that demands a comment from a legitimate source. In this case, that would be us here at WRM. This morning I was perusing some of the reputation management alerts I get every day and came across one that made me laugh so hard that I cried. This company, which I won’t name, claimed that every Single Online Reputation Management issue online can be addressed and repaired for less than $200. And that was the maximum price. Their beginning prices were somewhere around $20 a month or so.

Now I have a habit of stopping for a nice cup of coffee each morning at a well-known chain. My average cup of Joe runs me around $6, occasionally a little more if I’m feeling tired and want to add an extra shot of espresso. So let’s just call it my $200 a month coffee habit.

Taking my coffee habit number, let’s apply that to repairing serious issues with your Online Reputation and let’s see what we come up with. First of all, the coffee kid spends an average of about 5 minutes making my little power elixir each day, so let’s total that up and call it 150 minutes a month. 2.5 hours if you prefer. Doing a little more math, we’ll see that the coffee kid is actually charging me more than our average Brand Reputation Management Campaign, at least per hour, but he’s only spending a short time each month working on my project.

Here’s where it becomes applicable to your Best Online Reputation Management Services. Because you need to determine if your issues can be identified, and then modified or displaced with a couple of hours of work each month. To give you an idea, our team averages close to 200 hours per month, per client campaign, in order to do what we do. If we go back to the coffee boy math, that would mean that your average reputation campaign with us should cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $15,000. A little steep wouldn’t you say?

I’ll be the first to admit that our campaigns are not Cheap and Affordable ORM Services, and rightfully so. We employ reputation experts, journalists, legal administrators, algorithmic experts and much more people that are very specific to their fields. So we absolutely must charge a fair price in order to get the job done for the clients and for our business to make a profit. But for ANY company to claim that they can get it done for a couple of hundred bucks a month is absolutely laughable, and should send potential clients reviewing their websites running for the hills.