Keyword research

How To Do Keyword Research – The Beginners Guide

Keyword Research | Local SEO Services

In terms of blogging and article writing, keywords are where it all begins. The point of blogging and article writing is to associate your website with related content. The keywords of that related content are what you should be using as anchor texts to the links pointing towards your website. Continuing to do this will eventually result in Google recognizing your website being associated with content related to the product that you sell. When someone types in a keyword that you’ve been working hard at, your website may get ranked high or possibly your blog or written article will appear high in the rankings.

Keywords analysis is important because it allows you to gather together keywords that are worth pursuing. It will help you learn who your competitors also. Keywords that are worth getting ranked for and are realistic are ones that have less that 100,000 competitors and also have at least 20 people a day typing them into Google.

Wordtracker is a service offered by Google where you can type in certain keywords that you think are good to go after and Wordtracker will show you what the competition is for that keyword and how many searches a day it receives.

There are a number of ways you can pursue these keywords once you find them. Blogging and article writing are the most popular ways. Article writing on article directories such as EzineArticles is one example. Blogging with a free blog such as Blogger or even purchasing a domain and hosting from GoDaddy and using WordPress to build your blog is another example.

Sometimes you will find that if you write a good article, that Google will index it in a matter of minutes and you will see it high in the Google searches for the keyword it centers around. Same goes with blog posts. These articles and blog posts primarily serve as providing content that can be associated with your main website. But byproducts of this is that they get ranked as well. If these articles or blog posts become ranked higher than your website, you can insert links in them that point toward your website so that traffic will increase on your site.

Analyzing keywords is the foundation for laying the framework of a good search engine optimized website. Be sure to do your research and if you are hesitant in doing so, don’t be afraid of contacting local SEO services to help.