Keyword Analysis

How To Research Keyword and Analysis For SEO

Keyword analysis is also known as keyword research is an important also known search engine optimization process. It aims to find words and phrases that the potential customers use while trying to seek information on specific topics. Choosing keywords requires an elaborative input of a business and industry since the searches are conducted using keywords. The chosen keywords should reflect the focus of the site and should be the conventional market keywords that describe the selling products in the best way. Targeting right keywords is very important because a website should provide what potential buyers search for.

A little quantitative keyword research can help to understand what keywords web users search for. The keyword analysis includes Overture’s inventory tool, word tracker, Google AdWords Keyword Tool or any other pay per click services. These tools show the best rated keywords but probably may not be the ones that you want to incorporate in your site. The keyword analysis services are also beneficial because many times less competitive keywords give in higher traffic results because they necessarily are not targeted in the marketing strategy. A proper keyword analysis and keyword research is essential for a keyword selection process for an effective search engine placement campaign. Interacting with your customers is also a great way of knowing the effective keywords. This can be both a great source of alternate terminology, and an effective check against the jargon lock in.

Choosing right keyword phrases is half the battle won. The other involves using them strategically while optimizing the site for quality search engine traffic. While designing a website choosing keywords that attract traffic is more important than page ranking. The keyword prominence, optimum keyword usage, and its weight form the basis for determining a site’s ranking. All three are calculated individually for the page, the title tag, the description tag, as well as other areas on a page. The higher up in the page a particular word is, the more prominent it is and thus the more weight that word is assigned by the search engine when that word matches a keyword search done by a search engine user. The optimum keyword usage is a measure of the number of times a keyword appears on a page. It is expressed as a percentage of the total word count of that page. Keyword prominence means how close the keywords are placed near the top of the page, so it would be a wise step to craft the first paragraph with the important keywords. This concept also involves the placement of important keywords within HTML tags, such as heading tags, title tags, or hyperlink text.

Sure keyword yield more result as compared the phrase but that doesn’t mean one shouldn’t run after viable keyword phrases that best describes the nature of a product or a service. The relevant keyword phrases are at times highly effective and bring targeted web site traffic, even if the numbers are low. It is to be noticed that a web site bombarded with keywords run the possibility of being banned because of their spamming character. For this it is important that the text of web page incorporates intellectual use of keywords or phrases to get a ranking in the search engines.