USA SEO Content strategy

USA Producing Best Search Engine Optimized Content

 USA SEO Content Writing Tips | Content Strategy

Search engines like Yahoo! or Google determine whether your website (or content) is relevant to their users based on what they are looking for. When a user types in a search query in Google, Google scouts millions of websites. One of the factors determining if your content is relevant or not, is by assessing the keyword density of your articles.

What is keyword density? And How to Write SEO Articles?

The search query which is typed by the searchers is called the keyword (or keyphrase, if it is more than 1 word long). The Keyword Density Of Your Article is the number of times that specific keyphrase occurs in your article relative to the total number of words.

If you wrote a 400 word article about dog training and dog training appears 8 times in the article, then your KW density = (8/400) x 100% = 2%. It is known among SEO experts that for search engines to see your content as relevant, you should target a density of 1 – 5%. Below 1%, Google will deem that you just mentioned it as a passing note and you offers no info or value on the topic, and higher than 5% looks spammy (that is, you are trying to trick the search engines).

USA SEO Content Writing Tips And USA SEO Content Strategy

USA SEO Content Writing ServicesWriting SEO articles should not be too stressing. Actually, you should write it the same way as a normal article. If you don’t know how to write an article, then read on.

Before actually writing anything, you should make sure that your article will make sense. This is accomplished by doing some research. Do some search about the topic and write down 3 – 5 main points you want to discuss.

That’s the outline of your article! Begin with an introduction to what you are going to cover, then write about each point in a paragraph, going a bit into detail and giving examples if appropriate.

Now that your content is ready, USA SEO Content Writing Services use the “Word Count” feature of your word processor to have the total number of words you wrote. Next use the “Find” feature to find the number of times you used the keyphrase you want to target. Do the calculation as shown above.

If the number is less than 1%, then just add the keyphrase in relevant places. For example, there will be places you’ll be using “it” instead of the phrase. Just replace it with the KW. Add the keyphrase until you reach your desired density. USA SEO Articles are useful if you have a website or blog which you monetize by AdSense, affiliate marketing, CPA marketing or just if you want your articles to rank on popular article directories like EzineArticles or GoArticles.

While the process may seem tedious here, you should be able to write SEO articles in under 10 minutes after 1 week of writing several articles.