How to Write Compelling Blog Headlines

How to Write Compelling Blog Headlines | Content Marketing


Keyword Research can help – screenshot Scribe Your blog headline plays an important role in an age of tweets and snackable content. If your content is relevant, it will be read, found and shared. Not everyone is looking for quick and easy reads as our blog proves. However, if your blog headline is compelling and optimized for the way people search, what they search and the keywords that help you achieve your goals, you’ll simply do better.  

Probably, you’ve heard the famous words of David Ogilvy before: on average, five times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy. His conclusion: unless your headline “sells,” you have wasted 90% of your money.
David Ogilvy talked about sales and letters. These days, the sale is often indirect. Corporate blogs serve many other goals. If they are not achieved, you’ve wasted money as well. More importantly: if the content you promise in your blog headlines is not relevant, you’ve wasted time of the people you wanted to engage and who trusted your blog headline.
You can write the most interesting and best content in the world but if your blog headline doesn’t attract attention, appeal and convince people to read on, you miss out on huge opportunities.An Individual must go for content marketing service as discussed above that quality content is very important . You wouldn’t be doing yourself, your content and your readers a favor, right? Blogger Brian Clark says that “on average, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest.”  Your blog headlines serve different goals and there are various elements to take into account before you start: your ‘targeted readers’, your goals, relevance and how people look for content.
Note that your blog headline often determines whether your blog will be shared on social networks too. Believe it or not: sometimes people share content via social networks without even having read it.

A. When and why do you write a good blog headline?

If an individual want to promote their website or want to increass traffic of the site. Then one should go for Content Marketing Service and Social Media Optimization Service .Social Media Optimization Service helps in promoting website through social media networking sites and Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

There are several companies which provides above discussed services like Biphoo Marketing Solution (BMS) is one of the best service provider which enable its clients to grow their business by making optimal use of various online channels like Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click, Social Media Optimization, Viral Marketing Services, Brand Building, Online Reputation Management .They provides different Digital Marketing Packages an individual can choose the package according to their requirements.
Some people advice to write some headlines before actually starting to write and as soon as you have a basic structure of your blog post. Writing several blog headlines allows you to let them sink in for a while and take time to pick the best one. Other people advice to write the headline after you wrote the actual blog post. Often your post will be somewhat different than you first set out. The writing process brings new ideas. It’s often also better if you are a very result-oriented and work a lot with keywords, bullet points and strong ideas in your text. Furthermore, in a business context, blog posts often are used in a content marketing strategy whereby content, including blog posts, is produced for different stages and touchpoints in the customer journey.
In most cases, search engines are the main drivers of traffic towards your blog post. Understand what people are doing on search engines before they discover your blog post. On search engines people predominantly seek an answer to a question. When they enter a search phrase, they expect the results to correspond with what they want. Your blog post title is a promise that ensures them your post provides an answer. That’s relevance and search engines care about it a lot as well. There is nothing worse than a title that leads to content that doesn’t live up to the promise in the title. This goes for blog posts as well.

B. Be clear about your goals
Blog posts don’t always aim to provide answers but can also focus on sharing stories or sparking debate, for instance. The questions search engine users want answered are not always answers to business questions either. They can look for more information on your business, interesting use cases, data for a report they are writing, discussions on any given topic, etc.
Make sure your blog headline is clear about that too. Add words that describe the scope of your blog post and match the intent of the people you wish to reach. If it’s a blog post containing good research data, use words saying so. Again: it’s about relevance.

C. Dare to be specific and drop the traffic mentality in your blog headlines
If it’s not relevant to what you aim for, it makes no sense to blog at all. You optimize for the way people search, your goals and for the way search engines work. However, you also look at your goal. If your purpose is very specific, for instance, reaching out to a very particular niche target audience, chose keywords and titles that help you achieve that instead of looking at broad terms.
Attracting the right readers for your goals is more important than just driving traffic. Use keyword research. Even if you know what terms people will use to find your content within that niche, you might find surprising variations that work better. Specific types of content marketing software, aimed at optimizing your content and blog posts (such as Scribe or InboundWriter (and SEO tools) help you in this regard. Also make sure what you need to engage readers through their journey across all touchpoints and stages and get inspired by what THEY want to get answers to their questions.

D. The balance of personality and results
There is a trade-off between results, personality and tone of voice. While most blogging experts look at driving traffic providing very specific tips on how to write compelling headlines, sometimes it’s better not to follow such rules. Be authentic and keep your personality and that of your brand in mind, including the tone of voice. After all, how many blog posts can be written providing “7 Tips to Boost your Twitter Following”? Choose a somewhat different approach allowing you to stand out. Competition is high on search engines and a “me too” approach is not the best. In fact, these types of posts with swinging headlines, little content and keywords competing for attention are less effective than many think, at least if you define effectiveness right. Is traffic what you really need? Or do you prefer leads/conversions/awareness/…?

E. Get some social interaction in your headlines
Blogging is social media. Dare to go beyond keywords as you find them with keyword tools. Look at what’s happening and trending in the social space by listening and understanding trends when thinking about your headline. Search and social are increasingly connected and interaction becomes more important.
As said, search engines do everything they can to show more relevant results and social interaction is part of that. Your goal is to be relevant as well. Use a question in your headline to spark interest now and then.

F. Persuading with blog headlines
Your blog headline aims to attract but also to persuade. Good content is persuasive content. Knowing that many people don’t look beyond the headline, one of the roles of the headline is to convince them to read further. It’s an essential part of the ‘inverted pyramid’ style that is used in writing for the Web: key points and conclusions first, the rest after that.
Persuasion is about the intent of your ‘targeted readers’ as well. Taking into account different scenarios, it’s a mix of rational and – mainly – emotional elements and words. There’s a famous saying: “words tell, emotions sell.” Promise to fulfill an emotional benefit. There are thousands of lists containing rational or left-brain words and emotional or right-brain words. If you have the time, learn some of them and inject them in your headline (and blog). However, first of all, know what persuades your specific ‘target audience’.

Google Changes the Way people find Content and Information

Google Changes the Way people find Content and Information | High Quality Content – Content Marketing

Good content marketing is about providing the right content and information at the right time to the right people. That’s the essence. If you know who your buyers and target audiences are and how, when and where they look for information and find content, you have a strong basis. Google understands that and keeps taking important steps in making the way people find content much easier

First of all, Google has rolled out its Penguin 2.0 webspam algorithm. As you know there has been a lot of rumor regarding these changes. Google’s Matt Cutts updated the marketing community, stating that the roll-out of the Penguin webspam algorithm is now complete. With the “new” Penguin, that contains this Penguin 2.0 webspam technology, Google took an important step in the many changes it planned.
You can read a quick overview of some key elements to remember about the webspam update on Google’s Webmaster Central blog. Check out more about the timeline of the Penguin updates on Search Engine Land. And here is more about the update for content marketing.

Content Marketing Builds your Business
Even more important than the Penguin updates are the other innovations Google announced and started rolling out (in case you missed it, watch the video below this post). They deeply impact how people find content and information. The speed at which this will happen depends on the adoption by searchers, the different browsers and the evolutions of the technologies themselves.
Yesterday, Danny Sullivan tested Google’s conversational search (only on Chrome now) and, even if it’s not perfect yet, you can see how this new way of searching will impact the way people find content and information. It gives searchers – and buyers – again more control to seek and find the right information themselves, rather than depending on what they get served.
Asking what a good content marketing strategy is in Google conversational search

Content Marketing Solution Providers

If an individual want to promote their website or want to increass traffic of the site. Then one should go for Content Marketing Service and Social Media Optimization Service .Social Media Optimization Service helps in promoting website through social media networking sites and Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

There are several companies which provides above discussed services like Biphoo Marketing Solution (BMS) is one of the best service provider which enable its clients to grow their business by making optimal use of various online channels like Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click, Social Media Optimization, Viral Marketing Services, Brand Building, Online Reputation Management .They provides different Digital Marketing Packages an individual can choose the package according to their requirements.
We tested the new tool ourselves quickly by asking ‘what is content marketing?’ and got a spoken answer in return, based on the definition you see on top of the screenshot.
When we asked ‘what is a good content marketing strategy’, no spoken results were returned but the organic search results showed up perfectly. And that, as such, is already a great thing.
The future of how people will find content and information has started to change yesterday.  And if we know that most (B2B) buyers still use search as the primary information gathering channel in the online touchpoints of the buyer journey, that matters a lot. The search and content marketing platforms we use will soon have to adapt as well.The innovations Google rolled out and is rolling out in the future will continue to increase the importance of providing relevant content and information for the searcher and your target audiences. And that’s a good thing because it is what content marketing is really about.

Six Means Of Increasing The Popularity of Your Company’s Website

Means Of Increasing The Popularity of Your Company’s Website

If your site didn’t undergo the process of search engine indexation, it wouldn’t show up in search engine listings at all. Considering this fact, as soon as you get your site up and running, your first priority should be that of enabling the major search engines to notice your site and index it properly.

Six Means Of Increasing The Popularity of Your Company’s Website

1. Provide search engines with an XML sitemap – The XML sitemap is a useful resource that comprises all of your site’s links. For a faster indexation of your website, you should submit this file to the search engines as soon as possible. Sending this sitemap out to the search engines will notify them about your site, which will trigger the indexation procedure right away. Uploading your XML sitemap is quick and easy, with Google for instance only requiring opening a free Google Webmaster account to do so.

2. Design and implement an HTML sitemap page for your site – As opposed to an XML sitemap file, an HTML sitemap denotes a page on your website that is intended mainly for your visitors. This type of file provides a list with all the links leading to every single page of your website, thus enabling your visitors to explore your site smoothly and effortlessly. Moreover, having a properly designed HTML sitemap will also facilitate search engine spiders’ access to your website, allowing them to discover and log all your pages by following the links you provide.

3. Include HTML text links on your site – Since search engine crawlers use HTML text links as the main pathways for detecting other pages of your site, you must keep HTML links well organized in a menu that allows for simple navigation. Another important aspect to account for is the creation of hyperlinks for your primary keywords, which should point out to other pages of your website. This is an effective way to direct the search engines towards web pages you think would benefit from the extra attention.

4. Three Best Technique must be followed by the owner of the website :

Search Engine Optimization – For Increasing the Popularity of your website Search Engine Optimization Services is the best technique it help in increasing the traffic and Improving the Ranking of the Website .

Social Media Optimization – Social Media optimization is also plays an important role in making the website branded . Through Social Media Optimization Services a website can be promoted through Social Media Networking Sites .

Social Media Marketing / Search Engine MarketingSocial Media Marketing Services includes paid marketing like PPC . This technique also help in promoting websites through paid ads .

Six Means Of Increasing The Popularity of Your Company’s Website

There are several companies which provides above discussed techniques For example – Biphoo Marketing Solution (BMS) is one of the best service provider which enable its clients to grow their business by making optimal use of various online channels like Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click, Social Media Optimization, Viral Marketing Services, Brand Building, Online Reputation Management .They provides different Digital Marketing Packages an individual can choose the package according to their requirements.

5. Leverage the great potential of article marketing – Design original content articles and include your website’s URL in the Author Resource Box to advertise your name as an author. When your articles start adding up, submit them to article directories, which will take care of the process of circularizing them all over the web. Article marketing can be very powerful, so always account for it in your site optimisation efforts.

6. Make full use of directory submission – Don’t forget to submit your site URL to some of the popular and reputable online directories in the market. For instance, consider starting with prominent directories like DMOZ, Yahoo Directory and BOTW, and expand your options gradually. However, know that not all article directories offer free services, as some are charging a small one-time fee to take care of the submission. The investment will be worth it though, as some paid directory submission services provide faster and better results compared to free directories.

Digital Marketing Trend to Watch In 2017

Digital Marketing Trend

This year is going to bring more brilliant and exciting new trends into the marketing world. Consumers personal needs are always changing and as more innovations are introduced into the market, the more customer engagement with the existing trends is going to change. Here are few new things we should expect in marketing today in order to improve customer engagement.


Digital Marketing Trend to Watch In 2017
 1. Visual Content

Visual content helps consumers to process a lot of new information quickly. When created strategically, visual content can become a successful marketing trend. New marketing messages tend to be more effective when converted into a visual presentation such as infographics, video, memes, and similar. For example, lengthy product presentation in 7 or more slides can be converted into a short two-minute video to simplify and shorten the presentation time.
Social media sites such as Instagram, Pinterest or Tumblr are great platforms for visual content presentation. Marketing messages and product offers can be easily posted in a visual format for variety of things such as clothing, furniture, beauty, photography services, postcards with business quotes or tips of the day. For example, you can post a photo of happy customers as a proof of a successful business deal and customer satisfaction.Doing Promotion through Social Media Sites it comes under Social Media Optimization Technique.If a person want to promote their website then a person can go for Social Media Optimization Service this is one of the best approach .

 2. Strategic Simplicity
In todays busy world people generally have a limited amount of time and short attention span. They usually don’t like to read lengthy marketing messages or quotes. The more short and simple the message is, the more chances it will be read and memorized by potential customers. Product description should be as short as possible featuring main keywords that  highlight product functionality and price. Simplicity is a second important factor in a successful Digital Marketing Campaign development.

 3. Emotional Branding Strategy
Some companies are succeeding at cultivating a brand to which we feel positive emotional attachment. When message is presented in a seductive and playful way, it tends to get more attention from its readers. Seduction marketing techniques were always existed, but in today’s world it is in a high demand because of the necessity to increase sales volume around the world. These techniques are mainly used by small business to spread the message and attract new customers. There are number of digital marketing agencies around the world specializing in this type of marketing.


Digital Marketing Trend to Watch In 2017

 4. The Rise of “Me-Tail” Trend
This type of trend is expected to be a biggest one due to the customer desire to be around increased personalisation and importance in communication. This trend technique brings personalized experience with a brand as more customized version instead of one-size-fits all approach. For example, it can include personal recommendations for books or videos consumers want to download. Other example could be a personalized information within a mobile application as an enhancement of customer experience and faster product search results.

 5. Content Sharing
Other elements in brand or product development can be personalized presence of business owners, managers and management in social network sites.  Even the famous politicians very often express their opinion using Facebook or Twitter in order to get more public exposure. “Likes”, “shares”, “tweets” and commenting on posts is the most popular way to share content, promote products and to develop brand awareness. For example, 52 % of companies have increased demand for their products and services by using Facebook and 43% by using LinkedIn.

Social network sites help to increase brand awareness, trust and competitive advantage among the other similar companies.There is a good chance that social networking will outweigh traditional external link building by the end of 2014 or at least reach the same level.There are several companies which provides Digital Marketing Services including SEO Service, SMO Service, ORM Service .

For example – Biphoo Marketing Solution (BMS) provides above mentioned services and they provides different Digital Marketing Packages according to the requirement of the individual a person can choose the package.


PPC and SEO are Game Changers for Your Business

SEO & PPC will Help Your Business Succeed

In today’s current online world, internet marketing has become the new king of media. The day’s of the yellow pages are long gone and will soon go the way of the milk man and elevator operator. With all these new technological advances and the online presence of search engines along with social media, it’s no wonder that the businesses that are successful have a strong online presence  if not a dominent presence .

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