Role of Web 2.0 Technology in Social Media Marketing
The term web 2.0 social media marketing is basically a combination of two terms – web 2.0 and social media marketing. When considered individually, both these terms cover a very broad range of subjects. Web 2.0 refers to the evolution of Internet into a more interactive platform compared to its earlier avatar when it was just a one-way route to information. When the Internet appeared, people could only access information and check data. With advancements in technology, software, and programming, new tools like Best Social Networking Sites emerged. These sites allow people to interact with each other. Individuals and groups of people with the same interest can come together and interact with each other. Now they can review products and services and keep their family members, friends and known group of people informed.
In the last few years, social networking sites have gained so much popularity that some of these sites are giving tough competition even to search engine giants. No marketer can ignore the importance of these networking sites where so many people come together in one place. This has given rise to social media marketing and Local Social Media Optimization Services. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a business’s website without interactive buttons of networking sites. The new buzzword in Internet marketing is to share and involve customers and clients. In the present environment, companies are no longer wasting money on Traditional Advertisements. They use Online Advertising Mediums, techniques, tools and methods that allow them to receive targeted traffic. They pay only when a visitor clicks on the ad link.
This not only reduces their advertising spend, it also ensures they receive mostly those visitors who are genuinely interested in their products or services. Such visitors can be converted into customers easily. This advantage is more pronounced with web 2.0 social media marketing. All networking sites provide various tools that allow marketers to target only a specific group of consumers. For example, a Best Local Restaurant in New York can show its advertisement only to individuals who are residents of that city. This type of targeted traffic was not possible when World Wide Web was in a simple format. At that time, it was similar to advertising on radio, TV and print media. Companies used to advertise everywhere on the Internet. They did not have any tool to check the effectiveness of their advertisements.
While such advertisements are still there, these advertising options are suitable mostly for large companies. Small Businesses Listing and even large companies are now taking advantage of web 2.0 social media marketing to market in a better way and spend ad budget more efficiently. Buyers of today are more informed, savvy and have access to all information that was earlier accessible only to few people.