SEO Checklist

These SEO Tips Are All You’ll Ever Need to Rank in Google

All In One SEO Pack Plugin | SEO Checklist

The competitiveness of the Web Design Services these days means it isn’t enough just to build a site for a client that looks good and is usable. One way to become relevant and recommendable is to offer an SEO(Search Engine Optimization)-friendly site.SEO is the active practice of optimizing a website by improving internal and external aspects in order to increase the traffic the site receives from search engines. Firms that practice SEO can vary; some have a highly specialized focus, while others take a more broad and general approach. Optimizing a website for search engines can require looking at many unique elements.

There are a number of steps that should be taken when putting any website on the Internet. Failure to consider these steps will usually mean that your site will either rank very poorly in Google and the search engine results or not at all, which pretty much defeats the purpose of creating a website.

This list will help you remember all of an Essential SEO Checklist. You should have the majority of the “On Site” work completed before you start devoting too much time to link building. Once these are completed you can move on to “Fine Tuning” your SEO by applying some of the more advanced Optimization methods.

Onsite SEO Research good keywords Sufficient page text – Too little text on a web page will cause Google to turn it into a supplemental page.

Original Page Text – Pages that are too similar to other pages on your site may be filtered out by the search engines.

Unique Page Title – Each page on your site should have a unique title based on the pages content and your most important keywords.

Unique Meta Description – Each page on your site should have a unique meta description based on the pages content and your most important keywords.

Unique Meta Keywords – Each page on your site should have unique meta keywords based on the pages content and your most important keywords.

Alt tags – Search engines cannot read an image. Tell them what the picture is about. Don’t repeat some keywords over and over, if you put the image there then it must relate to your content, tell the search engine about that relation.

This list will help you remember all of Advance SEO Methods. You should have the majority of the “On Site” work completed before you start devoting too much time to link building. Once these are completed you can move on to “Fine Tuning” your SEO by applying some of the more advanced Optimization methods found on this site.Offsite SEOIncoming links:

Directories – General directories have some value; however, try to find as many niche directories that are devoted to your industry as you can. We suggest though that you do not get too wrapped up in this form of link acquisition. We recommend a slow, steady rate in adding these links. Don‘tspamGoogle

ArticleSubmission – This is a good way to establish yourself as an “Authority” in your field, as well as create a steady stream of new relevant links (and Traffic) to your site.

PressReleases – Find “News Worthy” events to write about your company and your website. This can give you a large burst of new visitors, although these will normally reduce over time. Some of the sites that use your release may keep it on their site, which will give you a good quality link back to your site. Most of the links that you get will be short term, which will not provide link value. It’s the traffic that makes this worth while

LinkTrades – The search engines are reducing the values of these trades. Be picky; only add trades from quality related sites. These trades often will send you regular visitors. If one of your visitors are going to leave your site (you don’t always have what they want!), why not send them to one of your “friends”.

One-way links – These come in many forms. You may pay for some, often sites will give you a link if you just ask and your site would be valuable to their clients.

Look for opportunities, some additional sources are:

  • Forums
  • Blog Comments
  • Review sites
  • Classified sites

Don’t spam these sites, if they give you the opportunity to write something and add your link, be sure to give them something back. Follow their rules and give quality thoughtful comments, reviews etc.Outgoing links – It has been suggested that Google uses the sites you link to in determining the subject of your site. Link to a few authority sites.Link Bait – This is a pretty new term. It means to add high-quality content to your site that someone may want to link to.Statistics – Watch your Web Site statistics for trends. This will show you what is working in your All In One SEO Pack Plugin and what is not. Statistics can also be used to see where people go when they visit your site. If people are leaving without visiting other pages, then you may have a problem with that page.Social Marketing – Don’t forget the social marketing. While it is still up for debate as to whether social sites like Facebook (which uses the no follow rel), Twitter (which uses link shorteners), Google Plus or G+, and the other social sites actually provide link value, one thing that is for certain is that Google and the other search engines do pay attention to trends in the social sites. Be sure that you have your own accounts in each of the major social sites and work on getting them followed by other people interested in your same topic.WebMaster Tools – There are many tools you can use to check the health of your website.Google Provided Tools – Google provides a number of webmaster tools to help you to see if there are errors in your site, what the most common words are on your site, what words are most frequently used in link text pointing to your site.

You must never forget these factors:

Title Tag: The title should be between 10 and 50 characters and include one or more keywords while still being descriptive.

Description Meta Tag: The description meta tag should be insightful and useful but it should also contain one or two of your more important keywords.

Header Tags (e.g. H1 and H2 tags): More weight is given to keywords that appear within H1 tags, then H2 tags and so on.

Text Formatting Fonts (e.g. strong, bold and underline): This may not offer much weight in algorithms, but generally if you bold the first instance of your keywords and the last instance of your primary keyword you should see some positive results.

Beginning of Text: The closer you can get your keywords to the beginning of your page content the better. Try to include your primary keyword within the first sentence or two and also within the last paragraph.

Key-Phrases as Whole Phrases: If you are targeting Internet Marketing as a key phrase then do not split the words up if possible. Some effect is noticed if the words are split, but much more benefit is received by including the phrase as a whole.

Images Alt Text: Include your keyword at least once in the Alt tag of any images. Ensure that the text is relevant to the image and gives some information.