Boulder SEO | Search Engine Optimization| Online Marketing
SEO means search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is the processes and methods used to achieve a higher SERP result. Stated in a different way, SEO helps the search engine find out what your website is about easier and because of that, they’ll rank you higher. It is similar to a homeowner moving all their furniture to the basement when they are getting their carpets cleaned. By making the carpet cleaner’s life easier, the homeowner gets charged less. Similarly, by assisting the search engines, your site is discovered faster, gets ranked for relevant keywords easier, and is ranked higher than sites do not have good SEO. A Boulder SEO agency can help you out with this.
A Good SEO Services Provider has two domains: on-page SEO and off-page SEO. On Page SEO is the SEO that you do to your own website. This is the website that you are trying to rank for. Off-page SEO is the way you obtain backlinks. This is not the website you’re trying to rank for, it is done on someone else’s website.
For on-page SEO, you would want to make sure that your titles, meta description, header, page name, and articles are optimized for the keywords you have selected. For example, let us say that you are targeting the phrase oranges, yellow oranges, ripe oranges, and sweet oranges. The title would be something like. The metal can be. And the header can be “A Sweet, Delicious Orange a Day brings happiness Today!” An optimized page name can be something like sweet-yellow-ripe-oranges.html.
There, you see? Now our page is optimized for our readers as well as Google. What we did was ensure that our site is read by the search engines the way we intended it to. Being obvious is key when you are dealing with a machine. Not having good on page optimization will confuse the search engines and, by it not knowing what to rank you for, you won’t rank well.
After the on-page optimization, it is in your best interest to also do off page optimization. We use off page optimization to leverage the publicity of our website. By pinging the search engines, we tell it that our website exists. You can also use the sitemap.XML submission feature of Google to submit your website.
To improve the authority of our website on the search engines, we can leverage backlinking. Backlinks count as a vote of authority and the more backlinks you have pointing to your website, the more of an authority it is. Backlinks can come from many sources such as social bookmarking, blogs, websites, directories, and article farms. You also need to have backlinks from other authorities to fully leverage your backlinking power. A vote of authority from an authoritative person weights more than a vote of authority from a shady person or a nobody. So, a backlink from a shady website will not do as much good as a backlink from a site like a Facebook or Adobe.
For backlinks from other websites, a good tool to use is page rank. A page’s page rank will tell you how much of an authority that web page is in Google’s eyes. The more page rank a web page has, the more of an authority it is. So, getting a backlink from, who has a page rank of 10 will be great for your website, your website’s authority will go up. Nothing much will happen if you receive a backlink from a page rank 0 website unless you received thousands of backlinks.
In conclusion, we discussed the two parts of An Affordable SEO Package, on the page and off page optimization. On Page, SEO is writing your web pages in a way that is the easiest for the search engines. Off page, SEO is what you do to get viewed as an authority in your subject matter. You can help and assist the process of backlinking but you can’t create it. What is the easiest way to do all of this? Create good content and people will be naturally attracted to your material. Therefore, create good looking websites that have good and useful content will make your life easier. Put in even simpler ways, give value and you shall reap your rewards.