Affordable Pay Per Click Strategy For Your Business | PPC Defined
Pay Per Click Services for Small Business is exactly what it sounds like. Basically, you are paying per click no matter whether a person buys anything, converts leave immediately etc. Pay per click can be very expensive if not done properly which most experienced or inexperienced users may know. Online Marketing Solution Companies that have no experience in this may try to run their own pay per click campaign and then wonder exactly why they are spending so much money and getting so many clicks yet not producing any conversions or selling any products. The solution to this is keyword selections. When setting up an Adwords campaign keyword selection is crucial. The type of keyword you choose and the match type that you choose is of utmost importance.
I can give you a great example of this which will tie into my next piece about negative keywords. Say for example you would like to run a campaign for recruiting employees for a telemarketing positions. You may think to yourself that keywords such as “customer service” would be a great keyword to target because obviously employees that you would want to capture need to have great customer service skills. The problem with this is that when you bid on customer service as a broad keyword you will capture and get clicks for search terms that are not relevant to your goal. People do not understand or frankly even care if they click your ad. If it is not what they are trying to find then they will immediately leave and go somewhere else. They do not care that you pay per click or even have the slightest idea. A great example of these searches I found was that people were actually searching for terms such as “Verizon customer service” or “Geico customer service” and so on and so forth. So every time the ad for job positions came up, people were clicking with no intention of getting a job. If you are going to use broad keywords make sure to have a great list of negative keywords.
The Importance of Negative Keywords in Pay Per Click Campaigns: Negative Keywords Defined
Negative keywords are probably one of the most important parts of a successful Pay Per Click Advertising Agency. Unless you are a huge company with tons of money to spend and waste then you will need to pay careful attention to the negative keyword. I touched on this briefly with the last paragraph but basically negative keywords prevent your ad from being shown for certain search queries. A great example of this would be if you are running a painting business for Pay Per Click Service Packages. It may be great in theory to use the keyword “paint” as a keyword so that you can capture everyone searching for paint related keywords right? Wrong. This would be very bad without a stellar list of negative keywords because your ad would be showing for anything and everything related to painting. People searching for museum paintings and paint for their car would click your ad and cost you a lot of money. This is just a small and simple example of how negative keywords should be used in Affordable Pay Per Click Services.