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Are your employees damaging your online reputation, either directly or indirectly? They might be doing your company some serious harm in the search engines and you might not even be aware of it.
There are really two primary ways an employee can hurt or even ruin your online reputation, so we’ll cover both angles that we see most often from our clients here at Online Reputation Management.
First, let’s take a look at indirect reputation via an employee or contractor. More and more companies are monitoring the social activity of the people connected to their company because what these people say and do there can have a serious impact on your bottom line.
Let me give you an example:
Let’s say that Bob hates his job. Bob is a huge Twitter and Facebook fanatic and makes sure he tweets all of his activity every day. He’s also posting everything to Facebook as well. So often times Bob may be posting how terrible his job is, or even worse, how terrible the company he works for is. He may even be going so far as to posting actual details about inside operations within your company, or worse, trade secrets and proprietary methods that he feels are wrong or unethical.
Now of course he may just be complaining about how much his job sucks, but if he is including your company name, and possibly a web link to the company website, then he is damaging your reputation. Because this negative content is being picked up by the search engines and it is being indexed. Most times these personal pages don’t make the front page of the search results, but that doesn’t matter much. Because if Bob is dealing directly with your clients, some of them will do searches on not only the company name, but on Bob’s name too. If they find that negative content on Bob’s blog, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Quora, or some other social account, they are going to walk the other way and do business with someone else.
Now, let’s look at the other side of that coin. Let’s say your customer does that same search on Bob, but Bob hasn’t written a thing about his job. Bob, in fact, loves his job.
Sure, Bob did some stuff on his own free time and has every right to do so. But remember, Bob works for you and is, therefore, an extension of your company when it comes to working with your clients and his activity online. Many corporations actually do an audit on perspective employees and their social profiles during the hiring process, but the majority do not. Because it’s not something that you would ordinarily think of.
Now, more than ever, corporations and small businesses need to look at every facet of their online reputation , including second level stuff like the social activity of their staff as we have discussed here. It might be time well spent to review some search listings in regard to the people that work for you and see if they are doing anything that might cause the loss of sales and clients.
Obviously there is a big difference between Bob the salesman, who works directly with your clients and, say, William the guy in the mail room. But negative content is negative content, and all of it has some effect on your overall online reputation.
You only have one reputation when it comes to you and your company. Do everything you can to protect it and keep it clean. If it has been stained and you need someone to fix your reputation online, Biphoo Marketing Solution (BMS) can help you in Repairing your Online Reputation and with Online Reputation Management Service BMS offers other Services also like SEO Service , SMO Service and PPC Management Service.