How We Rank YouTube Videos for SEO | Biphoo Marketing Solutions

Rank Youtube Videos Fast on Your Website |  Rank Your Website Fast by SEO

YouTube is the world’s largest video sharing website. Visitors can search for and watch videos on nearly an unlimited number of subjects. Although most of the videos are user-generated, more and more professional videos are beginning to appear on the website. It’s easy to publish a video on YouTube, just sign up and you’re ready to go.  Thirteen hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute. People are consuming video and lots of it. With users demanding more interaction and video making a huge push into the online world, YouTube is the first place that comes to people’s mind. Roughly 1/3 of the American population is on YouTube due to the vast array of content. The likelihood that your target audience is on watching is very high. The reasons for getting your content on YouTube seem quite obvious, Rank Your Website Fast by SEO.

How to Set Up YouTube:
– Create a YouTube Account
– Upload Videos to YouTube
– Create a YouTube Channel

Once you have created your account and uploaded your first video, you should set up a YouTube Channel. Your channel is where all your videos are stored and is, essentially, your YouTubelanding page where other users can subscribe to new content you post, become friends, send messages and share your channel.

How To Rank Youtube Videos Fast To Use YouTube?

There is much more that you can do with YouTube besides simply uploading videos. Probably one of the best features is being about to embed videos on your website. This allows you to have video on your site without having to worry about any of the technical know how or hosting headaches associated with Rank Youtube Videos Fast To Use Youtube.

Embedding YouTube Videos on Your Website:

You aren’t limited to only embedding your videos, you can also embed any video from YouTube on your site.

Commenting on Videos can be an interesting strategy. This is really only valuable on videos that are about your industry and have tens of thousands of views, or more. With this volume of views, commenting will add to the conversation and can be just as valuable as engaging in a blogs comments, rank youtube video on first page of google.

Favoriting Videos:

You don’t have to produce video for you to create a list of your favorite videos to share with others on YouTube. Creating a favorite is an easy way to bookmark specific videos for later and also shows engagement in the YouTube community. Plus, if it’s already been created, why recreate the wheel and do it yourself?

Sharing Videos:

YouTube has an interesting feature where you can share a video on multiple social sites directly from the video page. Sharing videos is a great way to engage your community on other networks with your videos or videos that you favorite. Share options include email, Facebook, Digg, and others.

YouTube Insight:

YouTube provides some analytics about videos that you have created. You can get here by visiting the video page, clicking on “Insight,” or returning to the “My Videos” section and choosing “Insight” for the specific video. Insight is not of much value unless you have a video with thousands of views. This can tell you if a video has been embedded on any sites, although the only intuitive way to know the exact URL of the embedded video is to go to the video page and underneath the video click on “Statistics & Data.”

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