Email Marketing Myths & Non-frightening Truths
Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to increase traffic and boost sales.Now you can Promote Business with Email marketing within an effective way (Online Marketing). However, there are many wrong beliefs about how to use this tool. Many companies send not too many promotional emails, and they are rarely opened by the addressees. Here are some of the myths that you may face when solving marketing problems with the help of e-mail.
1. You should always create a new ad for email distribution.
Probably, it won’t be a difficult task to find some effective e-mail messages that you’ve sent previously. It is useless to invent something new! Regularly search and analyze the most effective e-mails sent to the clients during last 4-6 months. Make changes according to the new promotion campaign and send without hesitation. It is doubtful that clients will be able to compare new message with those received six months ago. However, this is a great way to create new E-mail advertising for Business Development spending less time and effort.
2. If you send a lot of e-mails, you will irritate your customers
Researchers showed that as long as the e-mails are varied, original and do not look like spam, they will be positively perceived by users. Of course, some people will unsubscribe. But the results brought by a large number of e-mails will compensate the damage done by the loss of several customers. In addition, you can reduce the number of customers refused to get your e-mails offering them an opportunity to reduce the number of letters received from you rather than unsubscribing completely. In this way, you can save up to10 % of the customers intending to unsubscribe.This way E-mail marketing for organic Traffic for your business and website growth.
3. Letters should be short
Obviously, all letters should have a clear call to action put in the forefront. However, this does not mean that the message should be limited to only one call to action. Some customers want to know more about you and read the whole content of the message, so give them what they want. It is recommended to add to the letter sections with bestsellers, new products, customer reviews and other useful information.
4. You do not have to send the same message twice
Opposing to famous myth, many successful marketing companies resend the same message, though it is slightly changed. Such companies repeat every advertisement distribution in 48 hours, calling such letters e-mails. In general, the content of the letters echoes the original version of the message, but with a slightly modified topic. It is advisable to send e-mails only to those customers who did not open the first message. As studies have shown, this strategy can often double the effectiveness of e-mail advertising campaign (on average the target audience grows up to 60%). And you will not have to waste your time on writing a second version of the message or create a new advertising campaign.
5. The topic has to describe and highlight the product or service you offer
In fact, if your product is well-known for the customers, the topic containing a description, turns out to be useless and does not acquire a fresh interest. What strategy to choose? Creative, eye-catching, attractive topic is what you need! Don’t be afraid to experiment, feel free to be creative, try to write witty and funny topics. If you make your clients smile, they will not be in a hurry to unsubscribe from your mailings.