North Korea threatens puppet state South with destruction for alliance with US

North Korea threatens puppet state South with destruction for alliance with US

The Pyongyang Times headlined a propaganda piece with “Subservience to US leads to abyss of destruction” which accused Donald Trump of being a “lunatic”.

It also lashed out at South Korea for being a so-called “puppet force”, adding that “lunatic Trump” is running “headlong into ruin taking America with him and the poor puppet forces are following him”.

It said: “Such rubbish as ‘fire and fury’, ‘total destruction’, ‘annihilation’ and ‘calm before storm’ are heard from Trump every day and the US is keen on recklessly playing with fire by introducing nuclear bomber formation, nuclear carrier strike groups, nuclear submarines and Aegis into the sky and waters off the Korean Peninsula in succession.

“Dignitaries of White House, and State and Defence Departments of the US are having a hard time cooling Trump, who is overheated with a war fever.

“But only the south Korean puppet forces are fanning up the lunatic fingering a nuclear button.

“History records weak nations which faced annihilation after acceding to ‘alliance’ and ‘coalition’ out of quick-witted calculation and also subject countries which saved their destiny by getting themselves away from the evil influence of big powers after becoming sensitive enough to understand the change of the times.

“But it seems to us that the puppet forces can hardly get themselves free from the slavish way of thinking as they have been brainwashed by the US so much that they are lost to independent strategic and political thinking faculty.

“Lunatic Trump is running headlong into ruin, taking America with him, and the poor puppet forces are following him, at the peril of their lives.”

North Korea has also labelled Japan a “stooge” and threatened the country with “bitter doom”, in its state-controlled paper Rodong Sinmun.

The propaganda rag said: “During recent talks with the foreign minister of Denmark, Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono let loose a string of rubbish that ‘it is important for the whole international community to step up pressure upon the DPRK so as to get it change its policy.’

“Earlier, he clung to the sleeves of diplomatic officials of the UK, Germany, China, Ukraine and other countries to stoke an atmosphere of pressure against the DPRK, clamouring about the necessity to put renewed pressure upon it.

“It is ridiculous for Japan, no more than a stooge, to trumpet about maximum pressure.

“Now the economic policy of the Japanese authorities has faced doom.”

The inflammatory rhetoric comes as foreign secretary Boris Johnson is giving his backing to Donald Trump to “prepare any option” in tackling the nuclear threat from North Korea.

In a hard-hitting speech, the Foreign Secretary will insist that the US President has “an absolute duty” to protect his country and its allies against aggression by the regime of Kim Jong-un.

He will also urge the US not to rule out a military strike against the dictator’s forces.

Tensions on the Korean Peninsula have been high for months after a series of nuclear missile tests by the rogue nation.


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James Rock

My name is James from Boston; and a freelance writer for multiple publications and a content writer for News articles. Most articles have appeared in some good newspapers. At present above 1000+ articles are published in Biphoo News section.

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