3 Incredible Beaches You’ll Find in Alabama 3 Incredible Beaches You’ll Find in Alabama:-Alabama may be best-known as a state with significant historic landmarks (Huntsville was the birthplace of America’s space program, for example, while the civil rights movement has deep roots in Montgomery). But many travelers often don’t realize […]

The Best Things to Do in October Across the U.S. The Best Things to Do in October Across the U.S.:-From bountiful harvests to haunted happenings, the crisp days of October are when fall is in full swing. Here’s how to celebrate the season. Unwind on the Water in Portland Experience […]

8 Calming Spots to Find Quiet in New York City 8 Calming Spots to Find Quiet in New York City:-There are 8.5 million people living in New York City — and only one real luxury that everybody’s after: quiet. With ceaseless traffic, constant construction, and colorful personalities on the street, […]

Basic Survival Tips Every Adventure Traveler Should Know Basic Survival Tips Every Adventure Traveler Should Know:-Adventure travelers can find a thrill from spending time reconnecting with nature, regardless of their level of experience. Whether it’s a day-long hike at a nearby forest or a week-long trek through the Andes, exploring […]

10 great city skylines around the world Just like a face, every city has a distinct profile, says Yolanda Zappaterra, co-author of the new book Skylines: A Journey Through 50 Skylines of the World’s Greatest Cities (Aurum Press, $19.99). “People immediately feel a connection. It’s something that’s more than the […]