Why Samsung Wants The Next iPhone To Succeed

Why Samsung Wants The Next iPhone To Succeed

Why Samsung Wants The Next iPhone To Succeed:- One of the interesting things I learned when I visited LG’s headquarters in Seoul last month was that the company’s display division made OLED panels for Apple, yet not for LG’s own phones. It seems weird, right? LG’s phones are trying to thrive in a market dominated by the iPhone, yet the South Korean company contributes to Apple’s products over its own? And although this is “just a rumor” at this point (though a very reliable one), all sources say Samsung will provide the curved OLED panels for the next iPhone, probably named the iPhone 8.

Yup, the biggest draw for next year’s tenth-anniversary iPhone — “look at our courage in making this all glass curved iPhone,” some Apple dude will probably say this fall — is made by Samsung. But why are these South Korean companies helping Apple? Particularly Samsung, whose phones have battled iPhones for dominance for the past few years? Media sure love to eat up the iPhone vs Galaxy narrative — heck, Forbes even has a hashtag dedicated to this topic.

The reason is because Samsung is a huge, huge conglomerate with a ridiculously sprawling empire — it’s got its own baseball team and theme park, for example — mobile phones are just a small portion of the pie.

In fact, despite the Galaxy Note 7 fiasco costing Samsung a reported $5 billion, Samsung still turned a profit of $7.76 billion, the biggest quarterly profit in more than three years, according to a very informative and great report by the Wall Street Journal (which I recommend you click to read). The reason for Samsung’s growth is because its OLED panels are so in demand. In addition to Apple, Dell, HP and even Sony turn to Samsung for its brilliant high-contrast, true-black screens.

Source:- http://www.forbes.com/sites/bensin/2017/01/06/why-samsung-wants-the-next-iphone-to-succeed/#28ca5884223e

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James Rock

My name is James from Boston; and a freelance writer for multiple publications and a content writer for News articles. Most articles have appeared in some good newspapers. At present above 1000+ articles are published in Biphoo News section.

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