Why Is Anyone Surprised By Poor iPhone 8 Sales?

Why Is Anyone Surprised By Poor iPhone 8 Sales?

Why Is Anyone Surprised By Poor iPhone 8 Sales?:- A report by Reuters, later corroborated by Fortune, confirmed the longstanding rumors that people aren’t buying the iPhone 8. Reuter’s report quoted the chief executive of Canada’s largest mobile network as saying that sales of the new iPhone 8 and 8 Plus have been “anemic.”

Earlier in the month, KeyBanc Capital Markets analyst John Vinh had also told Reuters that last year’s iPhone 7S was outselling the new 8; and The Verge gave what is essentially an eye test, citing that the iPhone 8 was “readily available on launch day,” when previous iPhone models have always sold out on day one.

This really shouldn’t be any surprise. As I ranted when the iPhone 8 was first announced: the iPhone 8 is a lazy rehash of a device, using a four-year-old design that was already beginning to look stale last year (I criticized the iPhone 7 for its dated look). The iPhone 8 is a placeholder phone released just for the sake of releasing something because Apple can’t produce iPhone X in high quantities fast enough.

Going by the Reuters reports, it’s obvious that people on the market for new iPhones are either waiting for the much more stylish iPhone X, or opting for the older (and cheaper) 7S (which looks just like the 8 and will operate just as well for 99% of users). And why wouldn’t they? As much as Android geeks poke fun at Apple fans for being “sheep,” even the most diehard of fans would have common sense enough to see that the iPhone 8 is not worth purchasing.

Apple, of course, will still win the end. Part of the reason nobody cares about the iPhone 8 is that the iPhone X is so intriguing. The latter will sell out immediately upon release and be in short supply throughout 2017 and probably the first half of 2018. And who knows, maybe by mid-2018 when Apple drops the prices of the iPhone 8, enough budget-conscious consumers will give that phone a look.

In the meantime, my sister is still the only person I have come across (in real life or online) to have actually paid money for the iPhone 8 (I borrowed it for a camera test against the Note 8 and Apple’s device got its butt kicked). We have one of those old school Chinese immigrant moms who thinks everything is overpriced and/or a waste of money, and will give us an earful on every purchase we make. Put it this way, for the first time in our lives, I agreed with my mom when she told my sister she shouldn’t have spent that much money on “a gadget.”

Source:- https://www.forbes.com/sites/gradsoflife/2017/09/19/global-youth-wellbeing-index-launch/#21fde1363724

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