Orbital rocket blasts off on space station cargo run Orbital rocket blasts off on space station cargo run:- An unmanned Antares rocket owned by Orbital ATK Inc blasted off from Virginia on Monday with a cargo ship for the International Space Station, marking the booster’s return to flight two years […]

Tesla Panasonic forge solar cell agreement Tesla Panasonic forge solar cell agreement:- Tesla and Panasonic plan to collaborate on the production of photovoltaic cells and modules for solar panels, Tesla announced in a blog post Sunday night. The non-binding letter of intent, which is contingent on shareholders’ approval of Tesla’s […]

US bans all Samsung Galaxy Note 7s from flights US bans all Samsung Galaxy Note 7s from flights:- A group of US regulators on Friday banned of the device from all flights to, from or within the country, describing the phone as a “forbidden hazardous material” under federal regulations. The […]

Upcoming Galaxy C9 Handset To Sport A New Antenna Design Upcoming Galaxy C9 Handset To Sport A New Antenna Design;- Samsung is one of the largest tech companies in the world, and also a number one smartphone manufacturer on this planet. The company is definitely going to suffer due to their recent […]

Samsung to Be More Cautious Following Galaxy Note 7 Samsung to Be More Cautious Following Galaxy Note 7:- On Tuesday, Samsung decided it would be best to halt the production of its latest flagship phablet, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7. However, ceasing production of such an important product in its […]

GEARS OF WAR 4 REVIEW GEARS OF WAR 4 REVIEW:- Gears of War 4 faces the same trouble that other franchises returning from the previous console generation have faced. Can you recapture what made the previous trilogy so special with new characters and stories, but without rehashing the same ideas? For […]