Would you trade a headphone jack for more battery? iPhone 7 Plus does

Would you trade a headphone jack for more battery? iPhone 7 Plus does

Would you trade a headphone jack for more battery? iPhone 7 Plus does : It’s new iPhone day, which means that people are already hard at work tearing the shiny new phones apart and feasting (their eyes) on the gooey innards. Chief among the deconstructionists is repair site iFixit.

Apple plays its cards quite close to the chest when it comes to the build on its products, so iFixit’s teardowns are usually the first chance most people will get to peek under the hood of Apple’s hardware.

For the full breakdown (and list of tools used if you feel the burning desire to strip down your own iPhone 7 Plus), head over and check out iFixit’s teardown here.

But the big news is what iFixit’s step-by-step process revealed about what the 7 Plus is packing instead of the headphone jack. And no, it’s not courage. The quick version, according to iFixit is that you’re trading the 3.5mm jack for a bigger battery, the Taptic Engine and (most likely) water resistance.

Where the headphone jack would normally sit is now “a component that seems to channel sound from outside the phone into the microphone or from the Taptic Engine out”. The Taptic Engine — the small component that provides you with haptic feedback when using Force Touch — is taking up the majority of the freed up space. And with more room inside the phone, the battery received a bit of a boost, coming in at 2,900 mAh, a small step above the 2,750 mAh battery housed in the iPhone 6s Plus.

In the process of disassembling the phone, iFixit also commented on the extra adhesives, pointing to a lot of the work that had gone into making Apple’s new phone water-resistant. There’s also a strong suggestion that removing the headphone jack and building the dual-camera bump into the chassis were both done in the name of the new water resistance feature.

iFixit will follow up its close look at the 7 Plus with teardowns of the Apple Watch Series 2 and iPhone 7.

Source : https://www.cnet.com/news/teardown-headphone-jack-more-battery-iphone-7-plus/

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