This is how Google wants you to switch from iPhone to Pixel 2
Did you, an iPhone aficionado, look at the Pixel 2 and salivate?
Please don’t worry. There’s an ad for that.
No sooner had Google released its new Pixel 2 phone than it uploaded a video to show how easy it is to switch.
It doesn’t, oddly, show a slightly gauche tech type talking you through the motions, as if you were thoroughly halfwitted.
Instead, here’s YouTuber Weylie in a remarkably, well, tight video that preaches the power of change.
The Pixel 2 is, it seems, change you can believe in.
Weylie changes things in her life all the time. It’s all about keeping things new and fresh, apparently.
Honestly, it’s so smooth that Weylie has time to freshen up her makeup and even model a few clothes along the way.
Oddly, her iPhone has a matching white case. Slightly froufrou, if I may say so. Does this mean it’s, well, hers? I daren’t ask.
She’s certainly very au fait with its operations, as she instructs you to turn off FaceTime and iMessage and unencrypt everything — especially any work elements that happen to be inserted on your phone.
Changing operating systems has always seemed like a painful idea to me. For its part, Apple insists that switching from Android to iPhone is as easy as walking from one side of a TV screen to another.
Still, if Pixel 2 had moved me to rapture — with, for example, its new wireless headphones on a string that simultaneously translate when Japanese people are swearing at you — then you could find a much worse instructor than Weylie.
On the other hand, I fancy one or two people might worry about the fact that the video is vertical.
Oh, didn’t you know? That’s an example of change. Vertical is the new, new thing.
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