Brain specialist doctor believes Donald Trump frontal lobe is failing

Brain specialist doctor believes Donald Trump frontal lobe is failing

Brain specialist doctor believes Donald Trump frontal lobe is failing:- Over the past week Donald Trump has begun making so many basic confused errors that it’s become a matter of serious concern to a number of Americans. He’s forgetting names. He’s forgetting people. He’s forgetting what to do during the National Anthem. He’s forgetting that a kid just handed him a hat. He’s forgetting which country he just bombed. And now a brain specialist doctor says she believes it’s evidence that Trump’s frontal lobe is failing.

Brenda J. Iannucci, M.D., is a Cognitive Function Specialist based in upstate New York. She’s been attempting to diagnose Donald Trump’s health from afar, which seems warranted in light of Trump’s refusal to release his medical records during and since the election. Dr. Iannucci summed up Trump’s worsening lack of recall in the following fashion: “Cognitive failure in Trump: naming functions located frontotemporal regions of brain. Recall and reasoning fail concurrently” (link). The circumstantial evidence to support her assertion is growing by the day.

Over the weekend Donald Trump humiliated himself by not remembering to put his hand over his heart during the Easter Egg Roll, and then taking a kid’s hat from him and autographing it before randomly flinging it into the crowd – seemingly forgetting that the kid had just handed it to him. Then he went on Fox News and unwittingly revealed he didn’t remember that Kim Jong-Il gave way to Kim Jong-Un in North Korea six years ago. Then he began repeatedly referring to his close ally Paul Ryan as “Ron” during a Tuesday rally in Ryan’s home state. And this came after Trump bombed Syria and then immediately announced that he had bombed Iraq instead.

So when Dr. Brenda Iannucci states her professional assessment that Donald Trump’s frontal lobe appears to be failing, even someone who’s not a medical professional can see where she’s coming from.


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