All the New Gestures You’re About to Learn on the iPhone X

All the New Gestures You’re About to Learn on the iPhone X

To swipe or not to swipe? That’s the question on every iPhone X user’s mind now that the home button is gone. While life without a home button takes some time getting used to, you’ll get the hang of it after learning (and trying!) these 11 gestures on the iPhone X.

The most important gesture of them all

The first gesture you’ll need to learn is the most important one: how to get to the home screen after unlocking your phone with Face ID, Apple’s new way of unlocking your iPhone with your face. Once your Face ID unlocks your phone, you’ll need to swipe up from the bottom to get to the home screen. You don’t need to memorize this tidbit; thankfully, you’ll see a “Swipe up to open” message reminding you how to get to the home screen. You can also use this gesture when you’re in an app or in control center.

The basics

You’re in! Now, to switch between apps gets a bit tricky. Back on regular iPhones, you used to do this by double-clicking on the home button and swiping left and right between apps. This feature, called the “app switcher,” works similarly on the iPhone X; swipe up from the bottom and then “pause.” All your open apps will appear (and you’ll feel some haptic feedback to let you know this worked).

To switch between apps, you can swipe left and right. However, let’s say you spend a lot of time on a certain app like Facebook. Your iPhone will now make that the most recent app and you won’t be able to swipe right anymore. If you’re in an app, you’ll see a small white bar at the bottom that you can use to navigate between apps, by swiping left and right.

You now have two options to close an app as well. You can either use the app switcher to open all your apps and swipe up on a particular app to close it (keep in mind, however, that it will stay running in the background). Or, when you’re using the app switcher, you can long-press on an app until you see red minus signs at the top of each app. Tap on the minus sign and the app will be forced close.

And if you love your widgets, that customizable side panel where you can add the weather, see the latest top stories from Apple News and gain access to other tidbits of information from apps, no need to learn a new gesture. Just swipe right from the left side of the home screen as you used to and you’ll see it all appear.

The master class
You might be wondering right about now what happened to control center, the panel where you could turn on Wi-Fi, adjust your phone’s brightness, and find a number of other settings. If you swipe up from the bottom now, you’ll just go back to the home screen. The good news: control center is still around. The bad news: You need to swipe down from the right side of the iPhone X notch to get to it. Some more good news: You can still use 3D Touch to home in on some particular settings in control center. When you do this, however, you won’t see that familiar white bar at the bottom of your screen to get back home. Instead, you’ll need to tap twice in the empty gray space to get out of control center completely.

Similar to control center, your notifications are also reached by swiping down from the top left corner of the iPhone. And while the iPhone X isn’t as big as the iPhone 7 or 8 Plus, Apple has still made “reachability” an accessible feature. To use it, first you must go to your Settings, head to General, find Accessibility, see Reachability and swipe right to turn it on. This gesture might be the hardest one to figure out and use. You need to swipe down on the bottom edge of the screen to activate it. It’s frustrating, and I made it happen by accident more often than on purpose. So here’s my pro tip: Start your swipe down in the area where your favorite apps are (the three to four apps at the bottom of the screen) — this should help immensely.

You’re welcome — I saved the best for last: how to activate Siri and Apple Pay. For these two features, you don’t need to memorize a single new gesture. Instead, to turn on Siri, Apple’s smart assistant, press and hold the side button and Siri should pop up. (Alternatively, you can also turn on “Hey Siri” to activate the smart assistant with your voice.) You’ll press on this same button twice to start Apple Pay, the company’s answer to a contactless payment service.

Sit back, take a minute and breathe. I know, it’s a lot to learn and process, but sooner than later it’ll become muscle memory and you’ll be teaching iPhone X newbies how to navigate their phones. Now, just be careful and don’t drop that precious thousand-dollar piece of hardware.


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James Rock

My name is James from Boston; and a freelance writer for multiple publications and a content writer for News articles. Most articles have appeared in some good newspapers. At present above 1000+ articles are published in Biphoo News section.

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