Angela merkel fact shames donald trump again After running a presidential campaign that, improbably, turned out to be successful, Donald Trump has struggled mightily with the job of actually being president. Considering he entered the Oval Office with no relevant experience, that probably shouldn’t come as a surprise, but his […]

Wilbur Ross seeks bigger budget for trade enforcement U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Thursday that a $5.5 million increase requested for the agency's enforcement budget this year will have a "real impact" in cracking down on unfair trade practices and export security violations. Ross told a House Appropriations […]

China says can resolve trade disputes with new U.S. government China says can resolve trade disputes with new U.S. government:- China and the United States can resolve any trade disputes through talks, the government said on Thursday, as a Chinese newspaper warned U.S. business could be targets for retaliation in […]

Wilbur Ross, Trump’s Commerce pick, offshored 2,700 jobs since 2004 Wilbur Ross, Trump’s Commerce pick, offshored 2,700 jobs since 2004:- Billionaire Wilbur Ross, chosen by Donald Trump to help implement the president-elect’s trade agenda, earned his fortune in part by running businesses that have offshored thousands of U.S. jobs, according […]