Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer Michael Avenatti Says Pathetic’ Trump and Michael Cohen Are in ‘Panic Mode’ Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti early Monday called President Donald Trump and his personal lawyer Michael Cohen “pathetic” and claimed they are “in full panic mode” as they have chosen to respond to criticism indirectly. […]

Trump’s score-settling creates jarring contrast Donald Trump’s wild weekend showed just how abnormal his presidency has become, even if his breaching of conventional decorum has lost the power to shock. The President, ensconced at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, spent Saturday and Sunday on Twitter venting at the FBI director […]

Trump ramps up personal cell phone use President Donald Trump is increasingly relying on his personal cell phone to contact outside advisers, multiple sources inside and outside the White House told CNN, as Trump returns to the free-wheeling mode of operation that characterized the earliest days of his administration. “He […]

Nicaragua cancels social security changes after unrest kills 26 Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega repealed changes to the country’s social security system Sunday night that triggered riots that led to the deaths of at least 26 people since Wednesday. The overhaul had sought to shore up Nicaragua’s troubled social security system […]

Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 57 Afghans in Kabul A suicide bomber killed at least 57 people on Sunday as they lined up at a government office in Kabul to register to vote, raising new concerns about the potential for violence to undermine Afghanistan’s long-delayed parliamentary elections. The attacker detonated […]