E.U. Lawmakers Call for End to Visa-Free Travel for Americans E.U. Lawmakers Call for End to Visa-Free Travel for Americans:- The European Parliament has passed a nonbinding resolution calling for the reintroduction of visa requirements for American citizens, raising the stakes in a long-running battle over the United States’ refusal […]
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Donald Trump and the end of American exceptionalism? Donald Trump and the end of American exceptionalism :- When a German Chancellor feels the need to explain the refugee convention to an American president, the speaker of British House of Commons says the leader of its closest ally is not welcome […]
DREAMer arrested after speaking on immigration in Mississippi DREAMer arrested after speaking on immigration in Mississippi:- A DREAMer was arrested Wednesday by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement after speaking at a news conference on immigration in Jackson, Mississippi. Daniela Vargas, 22, said she arrived in the United States with her […]
Trump to hit the road Thursday to sell his agenda Trump to hit the road Thursday to sell his agenda:- President Donald Trump will seek to sell his political agenda — including tax reform, Obamacare repeal and a military buildup — to Americans outside the capital following his first joint […]
VA Secretary Shulkin is Trump's designated survivor VA Secretary Shulkin is Trump's designated survivor:- As President Donald Trump took the podium Tuesday evening for his address to a Joint Session of Congress, his confirmed Cabinet members were all on hand — except one. Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin […]
Trump strikes softer tone in outlining ambitious vision Trump strikes softer tone in outlining ambitious vision;- President Donald Trump sought to shift his tone Tuesday during his first address to Congress, striking notes of inspiration and common national purpose and leaving behind the darker aspects of his speeches at the […]
Snap expects some IPO investors to make year-long commitments Snap expects some IPO investors to make year-long commitments:- Snap Inc, owner of popular messaging app Snapchat, disclosed on Monday that it expected investors buying up to a quarter of the shares in its $3.2 billion initial public offering this week […]
Trump seeks historic U.S. military spending boost, domestic cuts Trump seeks historic U.S. military spending boost, domestic cuts:- President Donald Trump is seeking what he called a "historic" increase in defense spending, but ran into immediate opposition from Republicans in Congress who must approve his plan and said it was not enough […]
Meet Tom Perez, the Democratic Party next best hope Meet Tom Perez, the Democratic Party next best hope:- Just a month after watching Republicans take over the White House and keep their control of Congress, the Democratic Party elected former Labor Secretary Tom Perez as the man to move the party […]
AP Analysis: Trump travel ban risks straining Mideast ties AP Analysis: Trump travel ban risks straining Mideast ties:- Just two days after banning travelers from seven Muslim-majority nations, U.S. President Donald Trump invited the Saudi monarch, whose kingdom includes Islam's holiest sites, to fly to Washington. It points to the […]