iTunes for Windows available for download from Microsoft Store As of today, Windows 10 users can download a native version of iTunes directly from the Microsoft Store. Microsoft first announced plans to distribute iTunes through its first-party online storefront last May, saying Apple was working to market the software by […]

Smash Bros. For Switch Will Be Playable At E3 Nintendo today detailed its plans for E3 2018, and among the most interesting details is that the new Super Smash Bros. title for Switch will be playable on the show floor. During show hours on June 12-14, you can visit Nintendo’s […]

Switch Hackers Say Nintendo Can’t Patch Their New Jailbreak This week, two hacking groups have independently released methods that allow a user to jailbreak the Switch, which one group is already using to run a ported version of Linux on Nintendo’s device. The worse news for Nintendo—the hackers say the […]