How the Galaxy S9’s worst feature was made by Oscar winners What’s the Galaxy S9’s least loved feature? That’s easy: AR Emoji, the Samsung exclusive that whips up 3D avatars. It’s a pretty transparent imitation of the iPhone X’s 3D animoji characters — fox, monkey, swirl-capped turd — but with […]

Nintendo’s mobile Animal Crossing keeps getting better When Nintendo first released Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp on mobile last November, I was into it. The game felt somewhat slight by Animal Crossing standards, however. It lacked the open-ended nature of past games, and it didn’t really offer a whole lot to […]

Android’s trust problem isn’t getting better Published today, a two-year study of Android security updates has revealed a distressing gap between the software patches Android companies claim to have on their devices and the ones they actually have. Your phone’s manufacturer may be lying to you about the security of […]