Apple iOS 11.3 Release: It’s The Big One With iOS 11.3, Apple AAPL -2.31% knows the pressure is on. It has to deliver a satisfactory solution to the biggest iPhone scandal to date and it faces a race against time to fix a serious bug before release. But what has […]

2018 Hyundai Kona: Weirdly wonderful and wieldy wheels Even before reading the first word of this review, I’m betting you’ve already decided whether you’d ever seriously consider buying the 2019 Hyundai Kona seen here. Such is the power of decisive — and divisive design. Since you’re still reading, I’ll assume […]

Six Things PUBG Mobile Does Better Than The Original PUBG Mobile isn’t just a surprisingly solid port, it also has a few key features that the main game doesn’t. These changes could help breathe life into the game as it battles Fortnite and helps all us chicken dinner-seeking buffoons enjoy […]

Microsoft begins push for Windows Server 2019 The Server 2019 early look is available through Windows Insider, the preview program Microsoft established before Windows 10’s launch and expanded last year to include Windows Server. Microsoft this week released the first preview of Windows Server 2019, the next iteration of its […]

God Of War Has Gone Gold Santa Monica Studios have announced that the upcoming God of War for the PlayStation 4 has officially gone gold. That means that principal development is now complete and the game is primed and ready for release on the PlayStation 4. The news was rolled […]