Avoiding the Back Pain Overtreatment Trap Avoiding the Back Pain Overtreatment Trap:- When it comes to the way we experience the aches and pains of life in today’s modern, fast-paced and digitally-connected world, the notion of dealing with any amount of pain for any length of time can seem downright […]

A Patient’s Guide to Multiple Sclerosis A Patient’s Guide to Multiple Sclerosis:- Researchers know how multiple sclerosis does its dirty work. The process starts with damage to the myelin coating around nerve fibers in the central nervous system, which fouls up nerve signals between the brain, spinal cord and rest […]

How Long Has COPD Been Around? Although humans have likely dealt with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – an incurable and progressive disease that results from damage to the lungs making it progressively more difficult to breathe – for nearly as long as we’ve had lungs, descriptions of the condition didn’t […]

8 Ways Parents Can Help Manage Their Teen’s Diabetes 8 Ways Parents Can Help Manage Their Teen’s Diabetes:- If you have a teen with diabetes, you know how exhausting it is to help them with their self-care. You want to stay involved with monitoring blood sugar numbers like you did […]

What High-Tech Tools Are Available to Fight Depression What High-Tech Tools Are Available to Fight Depression:- After performing major heart surgery to repair an aneurysm and a triple bypass in June 2016, doctors told David McGee’s wife that he “wasn’t worth 5 cents,” says the 65-year-old clockmaker and locksmith from […]

A Patient’s Guide to Depression A Patient’s Guide to Depression:- It doesn’t take much to get some people in a funk. A squabble with a spouse; a bad review at work. Most often, the sour moods that result are fleeting. Not so with depression. If those feelings persist – usually […]

What Is Axillary Web Syndrome? The American Cancer Society reports that surgery to remove a cancerous tumor is prescribed in 95 percent of early stage breast cancers and more than 70 percent of advanced stage breast cancers. This surgery is performed as a lumpectomy (in which the tumor and a […]