House poised to vote on $1.3T spending bill The House is poised to vote on a bipartisan $1.3 trillion omnibus as soon as Thursday, less than 24 hours after GOP leaders unveiled the massive spending package needed to avert a government shutdown this week. The legislative text of the bill, […]

Mark Zuckerberg’s Reckoning This Is a Major Trust Issue’ Whenever there’s an issue where someone’s data gets passed to someone who the rules of the system shouldn’t have allowed it to, that’s rightfully a big issue and deserves to be a big uproar,” Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, said in […]

Gov. Bruce Rauner and J.B. Pritzker to Face Off in Illinois The race for Illinois governor has come down to this: the multimillionaire versus the billionaire. Gov. Bruce Rauner, a private-equity executive seeking a second term in office, prevailed in a tough battle for the Republican nomination on Tuesday, while […]