Russia threatens to block Telegram messaging app Russia’s communications regulator Roskomnadzor on Friday accused the Telegram messaging app of violating Russian legislation and said it could be blocked if it did not provide it with information about the company that controls Telegram. Roskomnadzor’s head, Alexander Zharov, said in a letter […]

Microsoft agrees to buy U.S.-Israeli cyber firm Hexadite Microsoft (MSFT.O) said on Thursday it has agreed to acquire Hexadite, a U.S.-Israeli provider of technology to automate responses to cyber attacks. Financial terms were not disclosed. In May, Israeli financial news website Calcalist said Microsoft would pay $100 million for Hexadite, […]

Samsung Leak Reveals Massive Galaxy Note 8 The Galaxy Note has always been Samsung’s largest premium smartphone, but in 2017 it is set to get a lot bigger… A new leak reported by SamMobile, claims to have uncovered the first video of the Galaxy Note 8 front panel and its […]

Cyber-attacks from WannaCry ransomware slow but fears remain Cyber-attacks from WannaCry ransomware slow but fears remain:- A computer malware that has spread across 150 countries appears to be slowing down, with few reports of fresh attacks in Asia and Europe on Monday. However staff beginning the working week have been […]

Microsoft adds detection, protection against global cyberattack Microsoft said on Friday its engineers had added detection and protection against a ransomware attack that had disrupted hospitals in England and infected computers in dozens of other countries around the world. "Today our engineers added detection and protection against new malicious software […]

Amazon adds video calling with Echo Show Amazon adds video calling with Echo Show:- Inc launched Echo Show, a touchscreen device that will allow users to video call and watch clips from CNN, the latest in the company's series of popular Echo voice-controlled speakers. The device, which will go […]