Reflation trades fizzle, sterling holds above $1.28 Reflation trades fizzle, sterling holds above $1.28:- Stocks flatlined and gold fell on Wednesday as investors continued to question the 'reflation' trades that had lifted markets since the election of U.S. president Donald Trump in November, while sterling basked in the glow of […]

Trump Buy American edict may have little impact on U.S. steel Trump Buy American edict may have little impact on U.S. steel:- U.S. President Donald Trump's "Buy American, Hire American" executive order on Tuesday left questions about how the government would enforce the order and whether it would make a real difference […]

Chinese Media Can't Stop Making Fun Of Donald Trump President Donald Trump’s recent flip-flops aren’t just making headlines in the United States ā€• they’ve also been noticed in China. One of Trump’s reversals came on the issue of Chinese monetary policy. While he had previously accused Beijing of being “world […]