House Intel Committee votes to release Nunes memo on FBI The House Intelligence Committee voted along party lines Monday to publicly release a classified memo written by Republicans alleging FBI abuses in the agency’s surveillance, an aggressive move that could feed a GOP push to undercut special counsel Robert Mueller’s […]

Sessions acknowledges missing FBI texts Attorney General Jeff Sessions acknowledged Monday that the FBI’s information system failed to preserve five months of text messages between two bureau officials who had disparaged then-candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 election. The discovery of the communications earlier this year prompted the removal of […]

7 People Injured By Smoking, Flaming iPhone Battery An Apple store in Zurich had to be cleared on Tuesday after a customer’s iPhone 6s began smoking and eventually burning. The incident forced 50 shoppers and staff to evacuate the store, seven of whom received medical attention, according to CNN. An […]

Trump open to US-NKorea talks ‘under right circumstances’ President Donald Trump threw his weight behind the Olympics-inspired diplomatic opening with North Korea, telling South Korea’s leader Wednesday that the U.S. was open to talks with Kim Jong Un’s government under the right circumstances. A White House statement said Trump and […]