U.S. health secretary says his job is to follow Obamacare law

U.S. health secretary says his job is to follow Obamacare law

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price said on Sunday that it was his department’s job to follow the law on the Affordable Care Act, former President Obama’s signature domestic initiative known as Obamacare.

Price, on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” was asked whether he would implement the Affordable Care Act as it was intended. “Our job is to follow the law of the land,” Price said, but added that “the law is failing the American people.” He said the administration’s goal was to repeal and replace Obamacare and “put in place a system that actually works for patients.”


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James Rock

My name is James from Boston; and a freelance writer for multiple publications and a content writer for News articles. Most articles have appeared in some good newspapers. At present above 1000+ articles are published in Biphoo News section.

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