How the 80/20 Rule Helped This Woman Lose Weight How the 80/20 Rule Helped This Woman Lose Weight:- A diet doesn’t need to be 100 percent healthy to be healthy, according to Work Week Lunch founder Talia Koren. The blogger lost 10 pounds following the 80/20 rule, which involves focusing […]

How long should it REALLY take to lose weight? How long should it REALLY take to lose weight?:- We’re constantly confronted by before and after shots. People who’ve “changed their bodies in six weeks” or “got their pre-baby body back.” But how long does it really take to lose weight? […]

5 surprising reasons you’re not losing weight 5 surprising reasons you’re not losing weight:- Too many of us have been there: You’ve been dieting for some time now. Day after day, you say no to the cookie and yes to the salad, even visiting the gym now and again. You […]

Weight loss surgery tied to lasting digestive issues Weight loss surgery tied to lasting digestive issues:-A common weight loss surgery is associated with long-term gastrointestinal problems and food intolerance, a recent study suggests. Researchers examined data on 249 extremely obese patients who had what’s known as laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, […]