Pueblo officials confirm first 2 flu cases of the this season
Pueblo officials confirm first 2 flu cases of the this season:- Public health officials in Pueblo have confirmed the first two influenza “flu” cases in Pueblo County this year. The individuals are senior citizens.
“This first hospitalized flu cases confirms flu is circulating in the Pueblo community,” said Jody Carrillo, division director at the Pueblo City-County Health Department. “Now is a good time to get the flu vaccine as the vaccine takes about two weeks for protection to set in,” Carrillo added.
“It is important for high-risk individuals with health problems, elderly or babies under 6 months old to avoid public events and crowds in order to decrease exposure to the virus,” Carrillo emphasized.
“When you experience symptoms of the flu, stay home until 24 hours after your fever is gone without the help of fever-reducing medicines,” encouraged Carrillo. This limits the spread of the virus.
Flu vaccine is available in Pueblo. Individuals with insurance are encouraged to check with their physician or local pharmacy for flu vaccine. The health department offers vaccine to children and to uninsured adults by appointment; call the health department’s clinic at 583-4380.
For additional protection during cold and flu season, wash your hands often, cover your cough with your sleeve or a tissue. Stay home when you are sick, and keep sick children home, for at least 24 hours after fever ends.
Take three steps to prevent the flu:
- Get your flu vaccine. Visit your doctor or pharmacist to get the latest flu vaccine.
- Take everyday actions to stop the spread of germs. Cough or sneeze into a tissue or a sleeve. Wash your hands frequently (with soap and water for at least 20 seconds). Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Stay home if you are sick with flu symptoms. Stay home (and keep children home) when you are sick for at least 24 hours after fever ends.
Here are the numbers of people hospitalized with the flu in recent years:
2016-2017: 173
2015-2016: 72.
2014-2015: 145
2013-2014: 75
2012-2013: 32
Source:- http://www.chieftain.com/news/pueblo/pueblo-officials-confirm-first-flu-cases-of-the-this-season/article_d6b68be8-774c-5eab-a096-021fa1b7c6a6.html