SONY TO PUBLISH NINTENDO SWITCH GAMES UNDER NEW LABEL UNTIES:- A new game publishing label has been formed under Sony Music Entertainment, Unties, with the intention of publishing games across not just Sony platforms, but others including the Nintendo Switch and PC as well.

Sony Music announced Unties first game will be Tiny Metal from developer Area35, coming to PS4, Switch, and PC on November 21, 2017. The military-themed turn-based strategy game is powered by Unreal.

As a separate publishing entity from Sony Interactive Entertainment, Unties under Sony Music is investing in the indie space, regardless of platform. The new publisher’s slate of other upcoming games include two coming to PC, with the potential for console releases, as well as a PS4 game with PSVR compatibility.

The official Unties announcement states that the publisher is intended to “unearth high-quality titles” that might be otherwise buried in the massive number of independently developed games being produced. Specifically, Sony Music has created Unties to respond to the “indie game movement centered around North America,” which is “continuing to draw attention even within Japan.”

As for the publisher’s platform agnosticism, rather than being tied solely to the PS4 and PS Vita, Unties announcement declares that the intention is to use Sony Music Entertainment’s “vast entertainment business wisdom in order to expose them to as many consumers as possible.” Unties will also be handling the PR and sales of its games across platforms.

Following games to come from Unties include the 3D action game Last Standard, coming to PC and other to-be-announced consoles, Merkava Avalanche, a 3D robot action game for PC and possibly other platforms, and the PS4 game Deemo -Reborn- (working title), to be available with VR compatibility via PSVR.

Sony PlayStation itself, meanwhile, announced earlier last year its intention to branch out into mobile publishing, with games based on popular Sony franchises coming to smartphones this year in Japan.

Sony Online Entertainment, now Daybreak Entertainment, also previously published games on other platforms, including DC Universe Online and Payday: The Heist.


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