The Pros and Cons of Teen Sleepovers Your children may have started sleeping over at their friends’ homes during the middle school years or perhaps when they were even younger. Maybe their first sleepover was at a relative’s house or related to a school trip. When kids are younger, sleepovers […]

How to Help Your Inattentive Child Thrive at School How to Help Your Inattentive Child Thrive at School:- A number of learning and attention issues can make it difficult for a child to pay attention in the classroom. In some cases, environmental and psychological issues are to blame. Sleep deprivation, […]

Lifeguard makes two saves just minutes apart Lifeguard makes two saves just minutes apart:- A Washington state lifeguard in his second year on the stand saved two lives in a matter of minutes last week. Lane Van Horn, whose been protecting the swimmers at the Asotin County Family Aquatic Center, […]

Is your shampoo safe? Avoid these harmful ingredients Is your shampoo safe? Avoid these harmful ingredients:- Of all the things you have to worry about, you may not even think about the dangers lurking in your——shampoo? It may have many harmful ingredients that you need to avoid. In theory, you […]

Opioid Addiction Targeted by Surgeon General In a first-of-its-kind report, the U.S. Surgeon General last week announced plans to tackle alcohol and drug abuse—especially opioid addiction—urging doctors, policymakers and the public to ramp up efforts to combat the the growing U.S. healthcare crisis. Consumer Reports medical advisors have long urged […]