Dad’s heart attack scared her into a healthy lifestyle Name: Sammi Goldsmith Age: 23 Occupation: Graduate Student Hometown: Greensboro, NC How long have you been running? I have been running for almost three years. What prompted you to start? My dad suffered his first of two heart attacks almost three […]

California boy contracts E. coli after swimming in popular lake California boy contracts E. coli after swimming in popular lake:- A California boy was hospitalized with E. coli after he contracted the disease while swimming at a popular lake where several other children were reportedly also sickened after a dip […]

’13 Reasons’ might have triggered suicide searches online ’13 Reasons’ might have triggered suicide searches online:- A popular TV series that showed a teen ending her life may have triggered a surge in online searches for suicide, including how to do it. That’s according to a new study about the […]

How to enjoy aromatherapy safely How to enjoy aromatherapy safely:- Aromatherapy is sometimes dismissed by health professionals as a trendy, new pseudo-science, but it actually has a long history and some solid science behind it. Although aromatherapy has only been studied scientifically since the early 20th century, its history goes […]

Boy’s transformation from drug-addicted newborn to healthy toddler goes viral Boy’s transformation from drug-addicted newborn to healthy toddler goes viral:- A woman’s tweet about her young cousin’s transformation from a malnourished infant born addicted to opioids, to a healthy toddler, has inspired others to share similar stories about siblings and […]

FDA Looking to Move Smokers Toward E-Cigarettes FDA Looking to Move Smokers Toward E-Cigarettes:- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration aims to reduce nicotine levels in cigarettes while exploring measures to move smokers toward e-cigarettes, in a major regulatory shift announced on Friday that sent traditional cigarette company stocks plunging. […]

Generic Eye Drops for Seniors Could Save Millions Generic Eye Drops for Seniors Could Save Millions:- Prescribing generic drugs for seniors’ eye problems could save the U.S. government hundreds of millions of dollars a year, a new study suggests. Conditions like glaucoma and dry eye that require daily eye drops […]