These high-tech jeans are like contouring for your body These high-tech jeans are like contouring for your body :- The intersection of fashion and technology doesn’t often make headlines, but when it does, it might be a game-changer. But unlike calorie-counting watches and fitness-tracking workout apparel, one new collection is […]

Life in a Modern masterpiece home Life in a Modern masterpiece home :- It’s personal expression, not faithfully reproducing an era, that gives a home character,” muses Niki fforde, ushering me inside her restored 1960s home. The concertina door swishes open to reveal an avalanche of colour. A toe-cossetting aubergine carpet […]

Bringing colour home: a fashion designer’s house Bringing colour home: a fashion designer’s house :- Holly Fulton once flew back from Majorca with Marlene Dietrich in her hand luggage. It was the only way of getting around Ryanair’s stringent baggage restrictions. Marlene – or, rather, a shelf painted with Marlene’s […]