Trump scandals threaten GOP agenda Republicans’ long-held dreams of tweaking Medicaid, repealing Obamacare and overhauling the tax code appear in more jeopardy than ever as scandal and investigations beset President Donald Trump's White House. Some Republicans fear that subpoenas and congressional inquiries will swamp the time they need to pass […]

Facebook faces EU fine over misleading WhatsApp data U.S. social network Facebook (FB.O) is set to be penalized by EU antitrust regulators for allegedly providing misleading data related to its WhatsApp acquisition three years ago, a person familiar with the matter said on Wednesday. The move by the European Commission […]

Google shifts mobile focus to apps and digital assistant Mobile phone apps took center stage at Google’s annual developer conference on Wednesday as the search giant announced new features for its digital assistant and its popular photo app while devoting little time to the Android mobile operating system. Addressing an […]

Trump Trade turns to trepidation as investors unwind Investors were shelving rosy hopes for U.S. tax reform and rethinking strategies premised on Donald Trump's economic growth promises on Wednesday, as the President faced his loudest criticism yet over possible collusion between his election campaign and Russia. From stocks to bonds to […]

EU fines Facebook 110 million euros over WhatsApp deal European Union antitrust regulators fined Facebook (FB.O) 110 million euros ($122 million) on Thursday for giving misleading information during a vetting of its deal to acquire messaging service WhatsApp in 2014. Calling it a "proportionate and deterrent fine", the European Commission, […]