Intel shows off cordless virtual reality set Intel shows off cordless virtual reality set:- Intel staked a solid claim in virtual reality Tuesday at its developer forum, introducing the prototype for an untethered, all-in-one virtual reality headset it calls Project Alloy. In his keynote, CEO Brian Krzanich made clear Intel […]

Should I buy an HDR TV Should I buy an HDR TV:- If you love TV technology, you probably remember the growing pains of every phase flat-panels have been through over the last decade. First was the “dieting” phase, where bezels and everything got thinner—but every gadget does that. Next, […]

Amber Heard, Johnny Depp reach divorce settlement Summer’s ugliest celebrity divorce has finally reached a conclusion. Johnny Depp, 52, and Amber Heard, 30, reached a settlement on Tuesday, the couple confirm in a joint statement. “Our relationship was intensely passionate and at times volatile, but always bound by love,” reads […]

Review Sony RX10II upgrade a winner Review Sony RX10II upgrade a winner:- The new Sony RX10 upgrade is a wow of a camera, with a massive ultra-wide 24mm to 600mm super telephoto built-in lens, up from the 24mm to 200mm of the previous, and lower priced RX10II ($1,200.) It’s got […]