Yahoo says one billion accounts exposed in newly discovered security breach Yahoo says one billion accounts exposed in newly discovered security breach:- Yahoo Inc warned on Wednesday that it had uncovered yet another massive cyber attack, saying data from more than 1 billion user accounts was compromised in August 2013, […]
EU strikes preliminary deal on mobile broadband boost EU strikes preliminary deal on mobile broadband boost:- Mobile telecom operators will get access to a key mobile spectrum band across Europe that will help them provide faster wireless internet, under an informal deal between EU states and lawmakers on Wednesday. The […]
Nintendo in risky mobile games push with paid Super Mario launch on iPhones Nintendo in risky mobile games push with paid Super Mario launch on iPhones:- Nintendo Co will make a big push into mobile gaming on Thursday with the launch of the popular Super Mario Bros franchise on the […]
California adopts first U.S. energy-saving rules for computers California adopts first U.S. energy-saving rules for computers:- California regulators on Wednesday adopted the nation’s first mandatory energy efficiency rules for computers and monitors – devices that account for 3 percent of home electric bills and 7 percent of commercial power costs […]
Trump team says Twitter too small to be included in tech meeting Trump team says Twitter too small to be included in tech meeting:- President-elect Donald Trump left Twitter off the invitation list for a meeting of technology company executives on Wednesday because it is too small, a spokesman for […]
Targeting U.S. automaker signals possible China retaliation over Trump talk Targeting U.S. automaker signals possible China retaliation over Trump talk:- China’s plan to punish a U.S. automaker accused of price-fixing is a sign of how Beijing could retaliate if President-elect Donald Trump upends decades of relations between the two nations. […]
Trump tells Vietnam prime minister he hopes ties will grow stronger Trump tells Vietnam prime minister he hopes ties will grow stronger:– In a telephone call, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump told Vietnam’s prime minister he wanted to further strengthen fast-warming ties between the two countries, the government of the Southeast […]
Muslim college student made up Trump supporter subway attack story to avoid punishment for missing curfew Muslim college student made up Trump supporter subway attack story to avoid punishment for missing curfew:- A Muslim student who said she was harassed on the subway by drunken, hate-spewing white men shouting “Donald […]
Donald Trump Names Top Michigan Official to Senior G.O.P. Committee Post Donald Trump Names Top Michigan Official to Senior G.O.P. Committee Post:- President-elect Donald J. Trump announced Wednesday that Ronna Romney McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party, would serve as the senior official of the Republican National Committee, […]
Obamas host final Hanukkah celebrations at White House Obamas host final Hanukkah celebrations at White House:- President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama hosted their final White House Hanukkah celebrations on Wednesday evening, more than a week before the holiday begins this year. The Obamas held two celebrations on Wednesday, […]