House Intel Committee votes to release Nunes memo on FBI The House Intelligence Committee voted along party lines Monday to publicly release a classified memo written by Republicans alleging FBI abuses in the agency’s surveillance, an aggressive move that could feed a GOP push to undercut special counsel Robert Mueller’s […]

Cleveland Indians Will Abandon Chief Wahoo Logo Next Year The Cleveland Indians will stop using the Chief Wahoo logo on their uniforms beginning in 2019, according to Major League Baseball, which said the popular symbol was no longer appropriate for use on the field. The logo has long been the […]

Opara, Polster, Steffen make US debuts in 0-0 tie vs Bosnia Defenders Ike Opara and Matt Polster made their U.S. national team debuts along with goalkeeper Zack Steffen as the Americans played a listless 0-0 tie in an exhibition against Bosnia-Herzegovina on Sunday night. Haris Medunjanin sent a penalty kick […]

Apple set to break its own record for profitability Apple is set to beat its own record for the most profitable quarter in corporate history when it reports earnings on Thursday, with analysts forecasting net income of at least $19bn. The three months to December 2017 — the smartphone maker’s […]