United targets skiers, bolsters 21 routes to Western resorts

United targets skiers, bolsters 21 routes to Western resorts

United targets skiers, bolsters 21 routes to Western resorts:- United Airlines is courting skiers by ramping up service several of its hub cities to winter-weather destinations.

The carrier will boost capacity on 20 routes from six of its hub cities. The ski markets receiving increased capacity or new flights are: Aspen, Colo.; Vail, Colo.; Montrose/Crested Butte, Colo.; Steamboat Springs, Colo.; Jackson Hole, Wyo.; Sun Valley, Idaho; Bozeman, Mont.; Kalispell/Glacier National Park, Mont. and Reno.

United will grow its seat count in those markets through a combination of additional frequencies and larger aircraft.

Three currently unserved routes will join United’s route-map as part of the schedule update.

Chicago O’Hare lands two of those. Non-stop flights to Reno begin Dec. 23, operating up to twice a week through April 1. Service to Sun Valley begins Dec. 23, operating “most Saturdays” through March 31.

The new ski-focused addition comes from San Francisco, where United will begin flying “up to two weekly flights” to Vail from Dec. 23 through March 25.

As for existing seasonal routes getting bigger aircraft or increased frequencies, United provided the following breakdown to Today in the Sky:

Chicago O’Hare

  • Bozeman will increase to three daily flights during the Presidents Day and Spring Break periods, up from two last year
  • Vail increases to daily service during the Presidents Day and Spring Break periods, up from weekends-only during the same period last year
  • Kalispell/Glacier will now fly daily during the Holiday period, up from weekends only last year
  • Steamboat Springs will fly daily for the entire season, an increase from weekend-only for periods last year
  • United’s new Reno service will operate Saturday throughout the season and most Sundays
  • Sun Valley service is new this year, will operate most Saturdays throughout the season


  • Bozeman will maintain five flights for the majority of the season, up from four last year
  • Gunnison/Crested Butte will maintain 2 flights for the season, up from one for periods last year
  • Some Vail flights will be switch from regional to mainline aircraft, approximately doubling capacity
  • Kalispell/Glacier service will increase by one daily flight throughout the season with a peak of four daily flights, up from three last year
  • Steamboat Springs will increase by one daily frequency after the New Year’s holiday, peaking at four daily flights, up from three last year
  • Montrose/Telluride will increase to five daily flights during the Holiday period
  • Reno will fly three times daily for the entire season, up from two in the period after the New Year’s holiday last year

Houston Bush Intercontinental

  • Bozeman increases to daily service during the Presidents Day and Spring Break periods, up from weekends-only for the same period last year
  • Reno will increase to daily service during the Presidents Day and Spring Break periods, up from weekends only last year

Los Angeles

  • Aspen will now operate four daily flights for the entire season, up from three daily in some periods
  • Bozeman will fly daily for the season, an increase from weekend only for some periods last year

Newark Liberty

  • Bozeman increases to daily service during the Presidents Day and Spring Break periods, up from weekends only last year
  • Jackson Hole will fly daily for the season, an increase from weekend only for periods last year

San Francisco

  • Aspen will now operate a minimum of two daily flights throughout the season, up from one flight at times last year
  • United’s new Vail service will operate Saturday throughout the season and most Sundays

Source:- https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/flights/todayinthesky/2017/08/09/united-targets-skiers-bolsters-20-routes-western-resorts/552082001/

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James Rock

My name is James from Boston; and a freelance writer for multiple publications and a content writer for News articles. Most articles have appeared in some good newspapers. At present above 1000+ articles are published in Biphoo News section.

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