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Baby Boomers Get Their Own Retirement Robo Advisor

user calender 12 Sep 2017
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Baby Boomers Get Their Own Retirement Robo Advisor

Baby Boomers Get Their Own Retirement Robo Advisor 

Here’s the dirty little secret about managing your money in retirement: it’s a lot more complicated than when you were drawing a paycheck, particularly if you’re fortunate enough to have retirement accounts and other income sources besides Social Security.
In theory, you should first guesstimate how long you (and your spouse, if you’ve got one) are likely to live. Then you should calculate how much you can safely spend if you don’t want to run out of money during that period; which accounts (taxable, tax deferred or Roth) to draw down first to minimize taxes  and Medicare’s high income surcharges; and at what age it's optimum for you to claim Social Security benefits. That’s all while allocating your money between stocks, bonds and other assets. And yes, you should probably work most of this out before you quit working---just to be sure you're ready.
United Income, a new hybrid robo-human advice service that launched today, is betting that middle and upper middle class baby boomers will pay hundreds or thousands of dollars a year to have someone else handle all those calculations---and in some cases, the paperwork too.  The service, which attracted more than $2oo million in assets during its beta test period, is the brainchild of Matt Fellowes, 42, the founder of  digital financial wellness company HelloWallet.
Morningstar, Inc., which bought HelloWallet for $52.5  million in 2014, owns between 25% and 50% of United Income, as does Fellowes, according to SEC filings. A smaller stake is owned by the Omidyar Network, funded by billionaire eBay founder Pierre Omidyar.  The Network, which makes for-profit impact investments  (as well as charitable contributions), said in a blog post earlier this year that it backed United Income because existing financial tools for those in or approaching retirement are “inadequate and outdated” and because most FinTech innovation has focused on Millennials,  despite the fact that those 50 and older control 80% of the nation's wealth.
United Income is offering four tiers of service. Its highest priced offering, which costs 0.80% of assets a year on the first half million under management, includes a dedicated human financial advisor and a “concierge service” which will gather and input information; help with Social Security and Medicare applications; advise on volunteer, second career and travel opportunities; and even help find home care for aging parents. That full service requires at least $300,000 under management, for a $2,400 minimum yearly fee. The charge drops to 0.65% on assets over $1 million.
A partial service tier includes an annual check-in with a human advisor for 0.60% of assets on the first half million and requires a $100,000 minimum, for a $600 yearly minimum fee. Self-service goes for 0.50% of assets under management, with a $10,000 minimum. (None of those charges include the underlying costs of the ETFs United Income puts your money in. Those average 0.18% a year. )
All three levels of service offer a novel “retirement paycheck” -- after determining which assets to sell or accounts to tap, United Income will combine those withdrawals into a single monthly distribution. The startup is also making the advice generated by it software available for free, without any money management attached. But in contrast to competitor Personal Capital,  a member of the Forbes Fintech 50,  United Income won’t allow you to  link online to your retirement and investment accounts. (In other words, you’ll have to spend time inputing information, unless you buy its full service package.)
The hands down leader in the robo-plus human advice space is The Vanguard Group; its two and a half year old Personal Advisor Services now has $83 billion in assets under management. Vanguard charges just 0.30% of assets and requires a minimum of $50,000. (Those with more than $500,000 in the program get a dedicated financial advisor; others call an 800 number.) Robo-hybrid Personal Capital, with a $25,000 minimum, charges 0.89% of assets on the first million it manages, with rates declining  as assets rise. It now manages more than $5 billion in assets.
In an interview last week, Fellowes described his retirement planning and distribution engine as more ambitious and individualized than other models, which typically run tens of thousands of “Monte Carlo” simulations of possible market outcomes. United Income, he said, tests all those market possibilities against varying  individualized “life outcomes” and spending patterns, leading to millions of simulations.  Among other things, the model incorporates information about an individual’s health, as well as data on healthcare and other spending that varies based on region, income and education.
“The two most important questions that people need to answer to  be able to plan for retirement are `When are you going to die?’ and `How much are you going to spend before you die?’ and those are the two least studied and addressed questions inside the asset management world today,’’ Fellowes said.
Besides the convenience of the retirement paycheck, United Income’s big sell is that it will allow boomers to invest more aggressively and either spend more in retirement, or, if they’re so inclined, leave more to their Millennial kids or to charity. In May, Fellowes, a PhD who spent four years at the Brookings Institution, released an analysis of  survey data showing that older folks are consistently less optimistic about the stock market, the economy and their own future financial well-being than younger folks.  This pessimism may contribute to the fact that spending declines as retirees age, Fellowes speculates. (Suffice it to say that cause and effect here aren’t established; it’s also possible that after they take their bucket-list trips, aging retirees simply have less appetite for expensive activities. They also have more time to do things on the cheap. Think senior citizen Early Bird/Blue Plate specials.)
Still, Fellowes makes a compelling case that retirees' money may be managed too conservatively, not only because they’re too pessimistic but also because many retirement allocation models look at their savings in isolation---without considering that Social Security and pensions themselves count as fixed income investments. United Income allocates money in buckets. So what a client needs to cover daily essentials (over and above what Social Security, pension and annuities provide) is invested conservatively.  Money intended for lifestyle spending or bequests, is more heavily in stocks.
What about the possibility of needing expensive long term care---a scary prospect which likely does lead some middle class retirees to pinch pennies. After concluding that currently available long term care policies are unattractive (see Howard Gleckman’s report on the crumbling of the long term care insurance market) United Income decided that money put aside for this purpose should be managed aggressively. It makes sense; those costs could be decades away and are likely to grow faster than inflation.
Say this for Fellowes: he’s built an intriguing platform with just $5.8 million in seed capital and recruited an impressive staff, in part from Morningstar itself.  Moreover, capitalizing on his Washington, D.C. base and contacts, he’s signed up an all-star team of expert advisors, including former Social Security Administration modeling guru Howard Iams; former Bureau of Labor Statistics Commissioner Erica Groshen (now a Senior Scholar at Cornell); former Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary for Tax Analysis Adam Looney (now a Senior Fellow at Brookings);  former Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary for Retirement and Health Policy Mark Iwry; and Steve Utkus, head of the Vanguard Center for Investor Research.


user calender 12 Sep 2017
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